Warriors AU: The Walk

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Ummm,My friends turned into cats? Sounds fun.

Warning:May be death...


The golden she-cat ran through the forest with her friend, Wolfpaw, behind her.(I love you guys if you read warriors... Sorry I might be a bit Rusty. Ha,Puns...)

"Wait up,Greenpaw!" Wolfpaw huffed as the wind ruffled her fur. Greenpaw smiled as she began to slowly trot,Waiting for Wolfpaw to catch up.

"What? Is the all powerful Wolfpaw tired?" Greenpaw teased.

Wolfpaw growled."Shut up or I'll tell Jackelopeflight that you are being mean again!"

"Then I'll tell Packstorm that you are being a tattle tale!" Greenpaw retorted. She laughed at her own joke as Wolfpaw boiled with anger.

The littlest things get to her,and she hates that. She loves Greenpaw(Yep,In that kind of way) but sometimes she can be a pain in the butt.

Greenpaw noticed Wolfpaw looking down from anger and not making eye contact. She also noticed her fluffy strange Purple tail was tucked.

"Hey, Wolfie...It was a joke." Greenpaw said,awkwardly. She didn't want her friend to mad at her,not over this.

They continued to walk through the dense forest in silence. Birds were chirping and flirting with others,It was that time of the year. Mice ran across the leaf trail that Greenpaw and Wolfpaw walked upon. The idea came to Greenpaw's head.

"Hey! Why don't we hunt? The camp needs some food anyway.." Greenpaw smiled.

Wolfpaw looked up at her friend,Trying to calm the fire that was burning in her eyes. "Sure,Why not." She said in her most fake happiest voice.

Greenpaw smiled and stalked a mouse. Greenpaw is so gullible... She believes everything she hears. Wolfpaw thought as she walked a different direction.

Wolfpaw spotted a crow a few feet away and got in her battle stance. She slowly and quietly made her way over to the crow but before she could pounce the crow flew away. Wolfpaw didn't noticed so she jumped up in the air and landed on the blank ground. She groan and turned around to face her mentor, Packstorm.

Packstorm had worry and anger in her Golden eyes as the wind blew at her red fur. "Why are you out here?!" Packstorm finally said after the minute of silence. Her voice was full of anger with a hit of happiness.

"I-I- Uh..." Wolfpaw chocked on her own words,trying to search for the right thing to say.

"It's dangerous out here! Do you remember how Redfang got her jagged tooth and scar over her eye?" Packstorm growled. Wolfpaw shivered a bit. "She snuck out when she was a kit and got attack by a badger. Luckily, Her scream was loud enough that we could hear. Now,Where is Greenpaw?"

"I-I D-" Wolfpaw stuttered until she heard Greenpaw call.

"Hey, Down there!" Greenpaw yelled from up in a tree.

Packstorm shook beneath her own feet as she saw the worst scenarios for this,All which include Greenpaw getting hurt of killed.

"Greenpaw,You get your flank down here!!!" Packstorm yelled,bringing out a voice that Wolfpaw never heard before. It was a mix of scared,worried,angry,and sadness.

Greenpaw traced the branch she was on."Hang on! Let me catch this sparrow!!" Greenpaw sang.

"NOW!!!" Packstorm screeched. Wolfpaw flattened her ears,Trying to keep the sound from coming in.

Greenpaw tuned her out as she stalked a brightly colored,plumped bird that didn't care for what was going on. The bird hopped down towards the end of the branch, peaking at the seed from the leaves. Greenpaw's tail swished in the air as she finally made her move. The bird flew away before Greenpaw touched the branch and there was a snap.

Greenpaw screamed as she fell and got stuck on some vines,Some of them strangling her. Her green eyes traced with tears as she looked down and her eyes met with Wolfpaw's red ones. Wolfpaw wanted to look away from the scene but she couldn't, So could Packstorm.

Greenpaw finally went limp after what seemed to be years of chocking. Her eyes remained open,filled with fear and covered with tears. Her lifeless body swung back and forth until Wolfpaw finally screamed.....


Wolfpaw- @EnderWolf64MC
Greenpaw- Me(Yeah,I died)
Packstorm- @The_Real_Pack
Jackelopeflight- @Happy_Jackelope
Redfang- @Queen_The_Killer

Requests? If it involves YouTubers they may be a chapter long(Longer if I like the story). After this I'm gonna do a ROBLOX AU and Walking Dead AU(Not based off of Shay's AUs..)


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