CHAPTER 1: Bare Beginnings

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“Matter and Antimatter quite a recent speculation about the latter one lately,

What if they are more than physical states” Postulated the aging Physics lecturer to rather sulking class.

“ Could they signify Good and evil? The classic Big Bang theory predicts equal amount of matter and antimatter to be produced, What happened to the rest of the antimatter any guesses?”He asked

Being a typical backbencher Jake had his head down on his table as much as he wanted to focus on the lecture he felt drained out from the fierce hacking the previous night, While the remaining class was restlessly checking the watches for recess Jake saw as two hands shoot up at almost the same time.

“ Well Hari and Patrich that was quite close time, well Hari give it a shot”

“The answer is that there is no answer, quite a tricky question as Accepting any one of them would contradict to several experiments but I choose to think that they weren’t equal, Last thing we need is an Antimatter Galaxy on collision course with ours... ”He chuckled.

Even though only a handful including Jake barely understood the joke,

The lecturer in a not-so-surprised tone said “Well close enough, That’s it for today get your assignments done for the next class”

Jake heard his whole class let out a phew in chorus as they were leaving he would have joint it if he wasn’t so tired.

He felt a pair of warm palms cover his eyes, “Guess who” a cute voice purred in his ear, “Geez Tess I’m damn tired today”

Tessera McAdams his girlfriend Clever and Annoying at the same time.

He wasn’t into the whole falling in love thing but Tess was different curly chestnut hair,the jade green eyes which left any one speechless and most importantly he always felt good around her.

She jumped up the desk and landed next to his chair.

“Typical you, It’s our 5 month anniversary just saying...”

She frowned while she said it, as much as Jake hated it he couldn’t take her out often due to his alter ego “TH3 V01d”.

Jake shared every detail of his life to her including the fact that he was TH3 V01d,

An anonymous individual who stood up and delivered justice on evil multinational companies and terrorist organizations, Governments never interfered in his work for what he did was untraceable.

Jake took her pear shaped face in his palms

“Look I’m sorry okay? I have to work on taking down this new terrorist group,CIA has

requested again”

Tess let out an audible sigh

“Fine ,Wanna grab something to eat?”

“Awww look at you lovebirds” Hari exclaimed as he and Patrich walked up to them. Hari and Pat his only friends, best in their own fields.

Hari was one of the smartest people he ever new calling him Tony Stark in real life wouldn’t seem like an exaggeration he technically was the owner in5nite systems a two year old startup. He worked on next generation medical systems and new drone and weapon systems for the US military which were designed by Hari when he was 14 .Things went bad when realized how many innocent lives his improved smart dust mine had claimed.

He left his father to take care of the company for a couple of years and went on to try and lead a normal high school life.

Hari so far as to changing his surname and living alone.

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