Article on Kim Jaejoong's Birth Mother

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Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Young Woong Jae Joong, who received much attention lately because of his birth-related matters, hoped that the conflicted relationship between his birth and adoptive parents would be able to resolve peacefully.

Young Woong Jae Joong’s birth mother, Oh-shi, wrote a very long entry in her blog on January 11. In the article, she revealed the things that happened between her and Jae Joong, and her own feelings and thoughts.

She wrote, “Today, I can finally write happily. Jae Jun (Young Woong Jae Joong’s original name) came to my house. This is the first time, since we separated when he was four years old, the first time in 17 years, that I could truely hold him against me as a mother with her own child.” The writing reflected a very happy mood.

Next, Oh-shi explained a bit regarding the hot topic of the lawsuit and Jae Joong’s adoption.

“He was adopted at the age of four…I once almost committed suicide because I missed my son too much.” From Oh’s article, we are able to know that Young Woong Jae Joong (who was named Han Jae Jun at the time) was adopted by a family in Choongnamdo Gongju. She had no choice but to give her son away in order to make a living. Three years later, upon hearing that Jae Joong’s older adoptive sister was getting married, Oh came to Seoul, but was unable to see her son. Afterwards, regardless of how far they were, she went looking for Jae Joong’s elementary and high schools, quietly watching him from afar, before returning home. She described what he was like when he was younger.

Oh-shi, who lived in Kyungkido Mochu, went to Gongju in 2001 in order to see her son. However, JaeJoong’s adoptive mother said, “Jae Joong is well cared for. It is best that you go back.” Although it is very painful, she would wait until JaeJoong became successful before trying to see him again.

In 2003, there was no news of Young Woong Jae Joong. Panicking, Oh phoned Jae Joong’s adoptive parents in Gongju, who told her that Jae Joong had been sent to study in America. However, early in 2004, she found out from a friend of Jae Joong’s that he had became a singer. Going on the internet, she was able to confirm this. All of a sudden, she felt as if her heart stopped beating, and she thought back to the time when she almost committed suicide because she missed her son so much.

The first time that Oh-shi spoke with her son on the phone was in Sept. of 2004. At the time, she was buying the TVXQ Storybook from a store in Kyungkido and was able to obtain Jae Joong’s phone number from a female student there. One month after contacting him, she met him for the first time at Seoul Kangnam.

At the time, Jae Joong’s knee was injured during a dance practice for the promotion of the second album, so he was on crutches when he met with Oh. She said, “At first, we acted cool and smiled when we met. After that, everything went smoothly between us. The longing and quickened heartbeat continued.”

The time of happiness was short. In 2005, problems arose when Jae Joong’s military service came into question. Young Woong Jae Joong was not legally adopted so he has two family registers with his name before adoption, Han Jae Jun, and his name after adoption, Kim Jae Joong. They were told that he would not be able to enrol in military service with his birth name Han Jae Jun.

The police investigation began, and Oh-shi was very anxious. She went around consulting various places about whether her son’s family registers could be changed to a single one.

Because of a reporter in Choongnam Gongju, a lot of misunderstandings arose regarding Jae Joong’s birth parents and the lawsuit they instituted to try to reclaim him as a son. Oh said, “No matter if it is Jae Jun, his adoptive parents in Gongju, or Jae Jun’s birth father and myself, everyone felt pained because of this incident.”

Next, Oh said, “Nobody did this intentionally with the child as the goal. I also did not do this in order to receive any money or reward. Everyone’s misunderstandings and biased views are like an incurable disease to us.”

Oh-shi said that Young Woong Jae Joong wanted to discuss and resolve the problem peacefully. He wanted to live as Kim Jae Joong, and wanted his adoptive parents and birth parents to be able to live together. Young Woong Jae Joong’s wish all along had been for both families to be able to live sweetly and happily together, until death.

Oh-shi said, “Gongju unnie (Jae Joong’s adoptive mother) sent rice cakes and fruits to Jae Jun. We planned to go on a vacation together and go to TVXQ’s next concert. We might even live together in the future. Jae Joong always said that he wanted to have two mothers to be with him. Jae Joong really loves and respects his Gongju mother.” We are able to understand this.

Next, she said, “I hope that all the misunderstandings would be able to disappear and not become an obstacle in everyone’s lives. Jae Joong is very happy now. His Gongju mother is a virtuous person, her joy comes from being able to give the children food and clothing. I am also thankful towards the encouragement and support that his sisters and adoptive mother always gave him. I hope that I will always be able to maintain a good relationship with this family and that from now on, this feeling will never change.”

Oh-shi said that she did not have the ability to be together with Jae Joong, doing the things that a mother should do, but she has always been working hard.

Oh said, “My lucky son Jae Jun who has the love of everyone from two families, Jae Joong fighting!” …she then said, “Gongju unnie, I am very grateful for everything you have done. I will pray for you everyday, wishing you constant happiness, smiles, and good health.”

She also stated that it is good to see that Young Woong Jae Joong, who often seemed to have such a sad expression, is becoming happier.

Oh said, “Jae Joong told me to come to the concert in February with his Gongju parents. We are looking forward to seeing our wonderful son, singing for his family, for his fans, with his beautiful and sensuous voice. Dong Bang Shin Ki fighting!”

Reflecting, Oh-shi then said, “That time when Jae Joong had to be sent away was the hardest time period. That was a long-lasting pain, a time of suffering and regret. Gongju unnie with her generosity raised him properly. I really am incredibly thankful towards her.”

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