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This is my interview ilurvbooks, writer of:

The Bet

The Guy in the Dark Suit

My Imaginary Boyfriend

Accidentally in Love

Long Lost Inspiration

Name: Kimberly Joy Villanueva

Age: 19

Location: Philippines

Favorite Color: The color of the sky

Favorite Song: Songs of Taylor Swift, BLG, ADTR, Mayday Parade, FM Static, A Fine Frenzy, Vanessa Carlton. . The list can go on and on :>

1: How did you find Wattpad?

I was a member of Twilight Group in Friendster. The people there talked about websites where you can find free online books. One of them suggested Wattpad to me. And so, it all began :)

2: What do you do when you aren't on Wattpad?

 Reading, and reading, and reading :D

If I’m not reading, I’m writing, or listening to music, or watching a movie or a tv show.

3: What genre books do you like to read/write?

I like Romance. I love reading love stories and I absolutely like happy ever after :3

I like writing stories about teens because it’s a story where I can relate and a lot of other readers. I like Fantasy too because it enhances my imagination. Humor is one of my favorites because I love laughing :D

I like reading any kinds of books; Mystery, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Suspense, Adventure and a lot more :)

4: Where do you get your ideas for your books? Particularly The Bet?

I get the ideas from my head haha :D The scenes just come to my mind when they want to, and that’s when I write. If I’ll force myself, the outcome will be disastrous. 

5: What keeps you writing? Have you ever wanted to give up on a book?

 Motivation and inspiration makes me want to write more. Writing makes me happy and it’s one of my escapes from reality. Hmm I stopped writing for six months because I was busy in school, and I was lazy to type the new chapters. I don’t know what happened at that time but I really wasn’t in the mood to write. But I never thought of giving up on any of my stories. I want to finish what I started :>

6: How long have you been writing?

 I’ve been writing since high school, but the first real story I ever wrote was when I was a first year college student.

7: Do you have any advice for our readers and fans about continuing a book?

Finish what you started. Don’t be discouraged when there are just few people reading your story/stories. Be thankful because there are people reading it. Write what’s in your heart. Ignore people who are giving you rude comments but accept criticism. Read a lot. As Cassandra Clare quoted, “If you don't give readers what they want, they will hate you. If you give them what they want, they will hate you even more." If you’re running out of ideas, listen to music. That helps :) 

8: Do you have any pets?


9: What is your favorite book on Wattpad?

Stories of Emmiie, XxSkater2Girl16xX, xoStardust

10: What is your favorite published book?

I have a lot of favorites, but the best of them is The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Then there’s The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare.

11: What do you think about the What's Hot List?

I think It's where new readers (or new members of Wattpad) find something to read.

12: What books are you following on Wattpad right now?

APR, Inject Me Sweetly, Gold Rush, A and D

13: What are your favorite books entered into the watty awards?

APR, A and D

14: What makes you want to write? What is your inspiration?

Writing makes me happy :) A lot of things inspire me. For example, when people motivate me. When I hear certain song and an idea will suddenly pop into my head, I write then. Sometimes, nothing. Just my feelings and what I see about the people surrounding me.

15: Do you have any thing else that you would like to say to our readers and fans?

 I want to thank all my fans *and the readers* who are supporting me and my stories. Without you, I’ll probably be lazy again in typing XD

You guys always motivate me with just simply reading my stories and giving me feedbacks. I really am thankful to all of you :)

Thank you! <3

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