the date

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As I walk inside I see peyton and aunt Kim sitting on the couch eating take out and watching a Christmas movie.

"Hey I'm home" I said.

"Oh goodie so how was it will there be more dates or not" aunt Kim asked.

"Well were having coffee tomorrow morning so that's another date so yea" I said nodding my head.

"so how was the date, where did he take you" peyton asked as I sat on the couch.

"Well he took me to one of my favorite places" I said.

'Gaspe' "he took you to stars and strikes" peyton said.

"Yea and we played 4 games of bowling" I said.

"Awe young love" aunt Kim said.

"Haha yea but we had to leave early" I said.

"Why what happened" peyton said.

"Well while I was playing a game Jake went to the bathroom and some guy that looked a little like Chris came up to me and started flirting with me till I rejected him and he grabbed my arms and he told me to kiss him and I said no and yelled for Jake and that's when Jake ran over to us and he punched him in his face and told him not to touch his girlfriend and I blushed a little then we went to golden corral and he called me beautiful and I blushed really hard and he asked me to be his girlfriend..." I said then peyton cut me off.

"Please tell me you said yes" she said.

"No" I said sadly.

"Why y'all make the perfect couple" aunt Kim said.

"Yea and we could go on double dates... Oops" peyton said then covered her mouth.

"What" I said.

"Nothing" she said.

"Your dating Bradley" I asked.

"Maybe" peyton said.

"Awe my bestie has a boyfriend" I teased.

"Mal its not a big deal" she said.

"Yes it is, awe and I totally rejected Jake oh my gosh" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Why did you say no" aunt kim said.

"Because if we date and me and peyton move back to Georgia I will never see him again and I've already went through enough heartbreak these past few days" I said.

"But I wanna see my bestie slash sister slash roommate happy" peyton said.

"Yea I wanna see my niece happy" aunt Kim said.

"Y'all don't understand what I'm going through its not that easy just to get into another relationship" I said.

"It is of you know your feelings for that person and Jake seems like he really likes you let along love you" aunt Kim said.

"Aunt Kim he just met me like that's possible" I said then walked into my room.

As I walk over to my desk I open up my computer and sent jack a Skype call.

"Hey mal its so great to see your face again" jack said.
"Haha you to how's the fam" I said.
"Great how's Cali is there a new relationship up" jack said.
"Yea" I said.
"Oh that's great I how your happy with Jake" jack said.
"Um in not in a relationship...peyton is" I said.
"What with who"jack said.
"Jakes best friend Bradley Steven Parry or Perry I don't know" I said.
"Wow but I thought he was on your list" jack said.
"He was but I have to give peyton someone to have a thing for" I said.
"Oh well how was the date" jack asked
"It was Ok we have another one in the morning to get coffee at star bucks" I said.
"Ooh and where did he take you" jack asked.
"Stars and strike's then to golden corral" I said.
"But why was it Ok" jack asked.
"Um some guy that looked like Chris started flirting with me and he grabbed my arms" I said.
"And where was Jake" jack asked.
"He was using the bathroom" I said.
"Oh" jack said.
"Yea oh and he punched the dude, called me his girlfriend and asked me to be his girlfriend but I told him I wasn't looking for a relationship right now" I said.
"Why did you do that" jack said.
"I got scared" I said.
"Of what" jack said.
"I'm only here for three years, I don't want to leave and mess up a relationship" I said.
"Well you could have a long distance relationship" jack said.
"You know I can't do that,it'll make me go insane missing him so much" I said.
"Mal date him he seems like he should be good for you" jack said.
"I'll think about it well talk to you later bye" I said.
"Bye give him a chance mal" jack said then hung up.

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