Chapter 1 : The New Generations

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Run. That's all he can think of.

Run. Away from this place, this mist, this darkness. Anywhere is fine, but not that place.

He didn't dare to look behind him, because once he looked back, it's the end for him. He could sense an inevitable force and smell of copper from the darkness around him as the guilt, pain and burden for taking innocent lives. However, the darkness which was hunting him finally caught up and swallowed him whole. As his vision was fading, he could hear a soft, wicked voice of the man who's responsible of his nightmare.

"You can run, but you can't hide from everyone...especially me..."


At the same time, a man woke up abruptly from his slumber, stopping his constant night terror which was haunting him for roughly 2 years. He could feel his heart beating roughly to his chest as he tried to breath as normal as possible, so he wouldn't get hyperventilate. If he got one, there's no one to help him since he lived alone. He also could see the cold sweats from his palm.

"4.10 am...." He said to no one as he checked the clock at the nightstand. "Only 5 hours of sleep..."

Unable to fall asleep again, he decided to take shower for refreshing up, even he didn't really pleased to take shower because he could see the mark that left behind by his previous mage guild that he feared the most.

The guild mark of Solias Guild, the infamous and currently the powerful dark guild at this era.

It was a miracle that none of members from that guild came after him, even after he escaped from that guild. Escaping meant betrayal for them and betrayal meant death on their account. He knew the risk, but he had enough of them ordering him to go on horrible missions.

Again, it was a miracle that he ended up in Fairy Tail, the most famous and powerful Mage Guild in Fiore. To think he could join them while hiding his past in Solias Guild was impossible, but here he was, accepted as one of the Mage of Fairy Tail. When he asked to the current guild leader, Shana Himeko the Ice Dragon Slayer, the reason and she simply said it's her duty to guide young men who have lost their way back onto the right path, just like what the previous Fairy Tail's Guild Leaders did. It's also noted by the oldest member, Gin Hisui, that every mage in Fairy Tail carried wounds of their past, meaning they didn't bother and still accepted him for who he was, even he hid his past and didn't want anyone to know it.

When he thought he could just leave behind everything about his past with Solias, his night terror appeared and haunted him in every night, like Solias forbidden him to have a peaceful life after his betrayal.

The first few weeks of having the night terror, he consulted to several therapists about it, but none of their advises and therapies were working. After seeing all those works were in vain, he stopped consulting his night terror problem and thought it as the reminder of his sinful past. Right now, he would try to move on from his past with that as the reminder.

He didn't realize he had spent roughly one hour in the shower. Lately he had been overthinking about his past and everything, even he tried to let go of his past. He exited the shower while drying his neck-length dark brown-red hair with towel. It was still too early in the morning, so he decided to read couple books until the time for breakfast. One of those books were the adventure novel written by the former Fairy Tail Mage, Lucy Heartfilia, which told her adventures during her time as Fairy Tail Mage. He began to read it to get a hold of what Fairy Tail truly were.


His first impression everytime he stepped into Fairy Tail Guild was noisy, reckless and...he had to admit this...sense of troublemakers were strong. Even so, this guild was heartwarming and cheerful which made him feel comfortable despite he really didn't like noisy places.

"Oh, good morning, Surt." Sharon Himeko, the little sister of their guild leader, greeted him when she saw him coming in.

"Good morning to you too, Sharon." Surt greeted the brunette girl back with a small smile.

"Well, since you're here, we can take this job." Sharon showed Surt the job he and his team would take. "Subjugation mission of the pirates who's lately lurking around the Hargeon Town and the reward money is 2.000.000 jewels. What do you think?"

"Well, it's a nice job, considering our team has Ayce who's a S-Class Mage..." Then Surt noticed the small writing beneath the reward money. "...are you after the additional reward, the Golden Celestial Spirit Key?"

"That's....that's not what I'm after!" Panicked and embarrassed, Sharon took off to sign up their team for this job.

"It has to be for the Golden Key..." Another voice said beside Surt. "She's Celestial Spirit Mage, it's natural for her to after such reward."

"Even so...can we handle this mission, Ayce?" Surt quietly asked to his senior, Ayce O. Hearts.

Unlike Surt and Sharon, Ayce was one of the S-Class Mages of Fairy Tail. Not to mention, it appeared that both Surt and Ayce possessed the same type of magic. The Flame God Slaying Magic. Both Charlotte the Guild Trusty, and Gin thought it's a great idea to put them together as one team, with Sharon as their mediator after they consulted it with Shana. That's how he ended up in this team.

" you trust us, Surt?" Ayce suddenly questioned Surt. "More likely, do you trust everyone's strength? I will never let anyone die...again." The last part was merely a whisper to Ayce's ears.

"Trust...Ayce and everyone else?" Surt couldn't help, but wondered if he really trusted his guildmates, especially his senior and...his first friend.

It was hard to say if there's mutual truth between them. Their start was quite rocky. Ayce annoyed to Charlotte's decision for pairing them up because he didn't need any partners or teams. Afterall, he was a lone wolf accident that no one wanted to talk about. Surt also never asked any fuhrer about his reason because he already had a feeling it was a sensitive subject.

Even so, Ayce was probably the first one who witnessed his night terror since Surt was staying together with Ayce for one and half month on Surt's first months in Fairy Tail. Considering Surt wasn't familiar with the area, Charlotte told Ayce to look after Surt until he got familiar with the area and hopefully found a nice house or apartment to rent, but he clearly didn't like to babysit someone. On his first nights of night terror, Surt sometimes got hyperventilate and Ayce was there to calm him down and comforted him. After he rarely got any hyperventilate after night terror, he thought it was saved to move out from Ayce's apartment.

"I'm sorry, Ayce, for doubting you. I trust you and Sharon and everyone in Fairy Tail." Surt answered Ayce with confidence. He shouldn't doubt him or anyone in Guild. This was his home, his family.

"Apology accepted." Ayce responded and patted Surt's head, which Surt avoided with embarrassment. "You should rely on us more, Surt."

Sharon was watching Ayce and Surt interacting to each other with relieved look. She knew Ayce since their first time in Fairy Tail. Ayce, by nature, was a loner until he met Irene. Their meeting changed Ayce greatly, he even confessed his love to Irene which she accepted him gladly. However, Irene was killed by the members of Solias Guild, which turned Ayce back to loner again, but this time he wanted power to avenge Irene's death. Sharon was concerned greatly about Ayce since he became so reckless to seek revenge after he became S-Class Mage. However, Surt came 2 years ago and somewhat, he changed Ayce little by little. Deep in her heart, she was glad that someone could save Ayce in one way or another.

"Hey, Sharon, are you done submitting the job?" Surt called Sharon, breaking her daydreaming.

"The train will leave in few hours. We should hurry to pack things and be on our way." Ayce reminded her about their mission before he was stepping out with Surt.

"Hey, wait up!" Sharon shouted with a little bit angry for going to leave her behind.

"As long as we have each other and everyone in Fairy Tail, everything will be alright."


Note :

I will be so grateful if someone can point out my mistakes I made.

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