Chapter 2 : Mutual Partnership

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The next job was to subdue a group of bandits in Tuly Village with 150.000 jewels as the reward. She didn't mind the job, but what she hated the most...that she had to travel by carriage from Margaret Town to the Tuly Village.

"Uhm...young miss, are you okay?" The carrier asked the girl worriedly, since he had been hearing her moaning in pain ever since they left the town.

"I'm...fine...just...motion...sickness..." The girl asked him before she was about to throw up.

"Hang in there, young miss. We're almost arrived." The carrier answered back as he continued to move, but suddenly the carriage stopped moving, like some force stopped its movement.

"Alright! Hang over your belonging!" Some bandits showed up and attacked and destroyed the carriage. The carrier couldn't do anything, but watched as the bandits robbed everything he was about to deliver to the village.

"Yes! There's a girl over here!" A bandit shouted to his friends as he pulled out the girl out from the carriage. "And she's a pretty one!"

"I wonder how much she will love it when she becomes our woman..." One bandit dared enough to approach the girl and grabbed one of her dark brown-red twin-tails hair, only to meet a handgun pointed to his head.

"Touch me and I will shoot your head off..." The girl threaten the bandits dangerously. "Since I'm off from carriage, I can take you all."

Hearing the girl's threat, they went hesitated to attack her. Even the girl had small body, they could tell she had experience and probably a Mage. However, she was alone and there's six men to deal with. In term of numbers, they would won, even she's probably a Mage. When they were about to attack, two of them suddenly sent flying and a boy with thin black hoodie was standing with unamused look as he looked to the rest of the bandits.

"It's not fair to attack someone, let alone a girl, in group." The boy dropped his backpack to ground and getting ready to fight. "Bring it on, losers."


"I don't need to be saved, but thanks anyway." The girl was half-thanks half-annoyed as they walked towards the Village for the rest of the travel since the carriage was half-destroyed.

"No need to thank me, I just did what I think it's right." The boy responded before taking bit of the bread he saved in his backpack.

As for those bandits, they were handed over to the authorities after the boy beaten them up into pulp only in few seconds. Even so, those were just lackeys and the stronger ones were still hiding somewhere, meaning the job wasn't done yet. Not until all of the bandits captured.

"I'm still wondering...why the carriage stopped moving..." She mumbled in wonder as she recalled what happened.

"Really?" The boy beside her responded as he finished the bread. "There's only one thing..."

"Gravity Magic." Both of them said the same thing simultaneously, earning each other surprised look, but they quickly looked to other way.

"That means those bandits have one of more Mages on their side..." The boy grumbled in annoyed. "I thought it's just a normal subdue thief job..."

"Hold on a minute..." The girl looked surprised when she heard what the boy said about his job. "You're going to the village for that mission?"

"Yeah?" The boy answered in confused. "And you?"

"So am I..."



"What the fuck?!" Again, they shouted simultaneously before they ran to the Village Chief for explanation.

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