Dear Wattpad,
I SO EFFING MISSED YOU. I haven't been On for awhile because of certain reasons. One, the other day, I can't upload and I don't know why. Second, I went busy because of camp and finally, there was food poisoning at camp and unfortunately, I was one of the campers who got poisoned.
Anyway, a few days a ago, camp was really going great. Yello team (the team i belong to) keeps winning so Yahoo!.com for us! :p We hiked and it was so cool since the flirty girl keeps falling. i joke :p i'm not that cruel. I actually helped her once :p On the other hand, Asian girl is not shy anymore but she's still having a hard time speaking in english so i keep teaching her lmfao :p (also, her grammar is......... ;p)
SO, lemme talk about the FOOD POISONING. It seems like the cook has a grudge on one of the camp master. Some broken affair or sumfin, i don't really know. So anyway, she decided to put something on our food. SHE SABOTAGED CAMP :< Almost all of us got sick and was immediately sent to the hospital. Hence, the camp was ended. (WORST CAMP EVER! :<) Anyway, the cook got...arrested. Poor her :<
the other campers and i spent almost two days at the hospital and we just got home this afternoon. Actually, I'm not supposed to be writing this. I'm supposed to be resting but I really do miss wattpad. And I really miss telling you guys what's going on with me. (OH now i'm getting cheesy. SO, getting even cheesier) I miss you guys :p
So, camp ended, I miss my buddy Brian and Hannah (the asian). They were cool and awesome friends for the time being. But now, at least I get to see my girlfriend and my best buddies :p they actually visited me at the hospital and they also visited me here at home. Oh, i feel so blessed.
Mmm.. So I look really sick right now. I'm pale and my hair's a big mess :p ALSO, i haven't got a shower for 2 whole freaking days. That's the first thing i'm gonna do tomorrow. GET A FREAKING BATH ;p I feel so dirty. I disgust myself lmfao :p
Anyway, I hope this journal entry was enough to let u know what i have been doing AND not doing these past couple of days. AND i wanna thank you all for caring :p I thank the people who wished me well!
I WANNA THANK @proud2bme for the AWESOME chapter of her story! :p Hence, I decided to dedicate this journal to her :p
I AM DEEPLY SORRY to @cloudylights because I haven't got the chance to work on our upcoming story! I'm sorry my daughter! but now that i'm better, let's start working :p
Well, that's all.
-jacksonPOOjackson :p LICKKKKY!!! lmfao :p
the answers of last journal's questions are:
Both. I don't want to be shallow and choose one of them because they are all the same. Brunnette people can be as dumb as blonde people. Blonde people can be as smart as brunnette people. whatever hair colour, they are all the same but different in their own way :D
If I had to choose, it would be brunnette xD Why? coz my hair is dark -brownish. Dyeing it with blonde makes my hair ginger. Although I would love to have ginger hair xD
by @riela_pollie
blondes. the reason for the blondes- i like being smarter than my significant other!
by @cloudylights
^ well, i wasn't talking about IQ or intelligence.
:. i was actually talking about one's appearance :p i don't like talking about one's IQ or intelligence because i find it offensive :p lmfao :p
So, the question for this journal is...