Chapter 2 - Stuff and Mexican food

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Anthony's POV 

When I entered the car, Ian had this suspicious smile on his face. Either he was planning something or he was just overly excited about getting Mexican food. 



"What's on your mind?"

"Oh nothing really.." he answered.

I just shrugged and decided to let him tell me if he wanted to. Instead I thought about what happened earlier about the fanfic. Am I attracted to Ian? Both of us are straight, as far as I know. Yes, I know Ian may appear pretty gay at some times. But it's all an act... most of the time. He does it even when the cameras are off. But I don't think he is gay, I think he just think it's fun. Which I accept, I sometimes do it myself as a part of the joke. 


When we arrived at the Mexican restaurant and we got inside and ordered. Afterwards, we sat down by a table while we waited. None of us spoke, for a short time.

"How did the editing go?" he asked and looked at me.

"Like always.. Good. Why are you asking?"

"I just wondered.. But what were you doing when you frantically clicked it away when I came into the office? You don't necessarily have to answer, you are allowed to have secrets. But you know me, I'm curious." he said and looked down at the table. 

I froze. He noticed. What do I answer? 'I was just reading a sexual Ianthony fanfic that gave me a boner, no big deal'? I can't say that! He would be creeped out. I can't tell him. I have to lie to him. But what can I say I was doing that is likely, but private?

Then Ian looked up at me with the same puppy-face he did earlier. I cannot lie to him. God, am I weak against a grown man's "cutie-face"? Apparently I am. But who can deny that Ian is really adorable and irresistble? 

*mental facepalm* Irresistble?! Adorable is okay to say, but irresistble? Maybe I am gay after all. But I've never been attracted to a guy before, so I can't say I am yet. And know I have to answer Ian before he starts to worry.

"Uhm.. Well.. I was just looking up some stuff." 

"What kind of stuff? Something I would be interested in?" 

"Probably not, it's pretty weird."

"Can't you just tell me, and I can see if it's something for me or not? And for your information, I'm pretty weird." he said and I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you are. But I promise to tell you on two conditions."

"Sure, tell me the conditions."

"Don't get creeped out. And you have to wait until we're back in the house." I told him and he nodded. He didn't get to say anything until the Mexican woman called on us. 

We stood up and walked over to her. She handed us the bag of our "so-called" authentic Mexican food and I could swear she just winked at Ian. 

Without any further conversation, we drove back home to the Smosh house and got inside. I'll tell him after we've eaten..


During the meal, we discovered why the woman had winked at Ian. He got an extra taco. 

"Why didn't I get another taco?" I said, disappointed.

"What can I say? Elderly Mexican women love me, I'm irresistble!" he said and shrugged. Yeah you are. Shut up, brain! I thought.


After we finished eating, I went outside to throw away the waste in the big litter outside our house. (A/N: 'Garbage can' if you like) When I came back in the living room, Ian were seated in the couch. Staring at me. 

"Why are you staring at me, Ian? It's kind of freaking me out.."

"You promised to tell me your secret.." 

Shit. I thought he would forget about it.. Well, I promised.

"Okay, come join me in the office." I said and walked into the room. I heard him walking after and I sat down. Ian grabbed the other wheelie chair and sat down in it beside me. I sighed and turned on the Mac. 

"Close your eyes."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I don't want you to see what I was searching for. But I will show you when I have explained, okay?" 

He just nodded and closed his eyes shut. Here we go..

"Earlier, I was searching up some stuff as I mentioned. But it wasn't just the normal stuff you search for. I...uhm.. I searched for fanfics.. about us...Ianthony fanfics.. And I read it all... and it was really sexual.... And I.. I liked it.."

Author's Note: (Cliffhanger!) I'm back! Sorry for the so late update! My head couldn't quite work for some reason.. Plus I've been on two vacations without Internet.. Whatever. I will try to update a bit more often now that I have the rest of my summer break free. I really hope you like this new Ianthony fanfic, even though in my opinion, it's not as good as my first one.. 

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-RandomUniCorny ;3

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