Chapter 3 - Confessions

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Ian's POV

I closed my eyes and then he spoke up.

"Ealier, I was searching up some stuff as I mentioned. But it wasn't just the normal stuff you search for. I...uhm.. searched for fanfics.. about us...Ianthony fanfics..And I read it all... and it was really sexual... And I.. I liked it..."

Wow. Really? 

I kept my eyes shut as I was told a few seconds until he told me to open them. My eyes searched for his,  and when I found them, they were directed directly at me. Our eyes were locked barely two seconds when he looked down and he was clearly blushing. How cute. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be embarrassed" I told him and he looked up at me curiously.

"Why not? Don't you think it's extremely weird that your best friend enjoys reading about you and him having a romantic and intimate relationship? 'Cause I'm positive that normal best friends don't do that. I am ruining our friendship with this, Ian! Do you think I can look at you the same way after reading about us having sex? I just can't -"

"It's okay, Anthony! To be honest, I've read those fanfics as well. Both so-called "fluffy" and "smutty". They were good and I liked them. No.. I loved them. To be honest, the most smutty ones.. They turned me on.. Whenever that happened I quickly thought of the most gross things so you wouldn't see it. I thought you hated Ianthony fanfics, and I was scared to tell you that I didn't" I interrupted him. 

"I thought that I would be grossed out by those fanfics until I acutally read one, open-minded. It was really well written and I loved it. And when it comes to smutty fanfics, I got turned on by them as well.. That fact scared me, so that's why I frantically clicked away when you approached the room. I was so shocked that I forgot to close the tab" he said. Then the silence came crawling. Until Anthony broke it.

"So..Does that mean..that we'"

I didn't answer, but Anthony kept looking at me. 

"Ian, is there something wrong? Why aren't you saying anything?" he asked me after minutes of silence.

I don't know, is it? I thought.

Anthony's POV

Ian still didn't answer. Maybe my question was questioning a sensitive subject of his? Maybe I should leave him alone for a bit?

"I'm sorry..I'll be in my room if you need me-" I said as I stood up. I was about to walk to the door when his hand grabbed my wrist. I looked down at him and he was looking straight into my eyes. 

"Don't go" he said and I sat back down. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening his eyes again.

"I have to tell you something. Something I should've told you a long time ago. I shouldn't have kept it as a secret from you" 

"Then tell me, it can hardly be any worse than what we just confessed earlier" I told him, smiling. He smiled back, a weak smile. Then he looked straight into my eyes, locking our eyes together, before speaking.

"I'm bisexual."

Author's Note: There you go! Sorry for the wait, but it's back and I will try to update more often. (School's back soon, so I don't know how much spare time I will get during the week.. But we shall see!) Thank you for reading my fanfic, it really means a lot that people actually enjoy my works <3

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-RandomUniCorny ;3

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