Chapter 4 - Sleepy weirdo (Ending)

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Ian's POV

It felt good to let that off my chest. Now he knows, and hopefully he won't be freaked. Why would he be freaked, Ian? You both confessed how you both got turned on by reading smutty Ianthony fanfiction, the worst is done. 

"That's okay, I guess I am too. Considering I like girls at the same time as I..uhm.. like you, Ian" he said and blushed slightly. God, he's so cute when he blushes. I couldn't help it, I had to smile. 

"You like me, huh? Sure you don't love me?" I asked jokingly and made kissy faces while batting my eyes. He laughed.

"On the other hand, I've changed my mind. I don't like you, Ian," he said seriously. What? Oh I see what's coming. "I love you, you little weirdo!" 

"But the best thing is that I'm your weirdo" I said and kissed his cheek. I stood up and walked towards the door, when he grabbed my wrist and dragged me back. I landed on his lap and he smirked. 

"Is that all I get? A little kiss on the cheek? Don't I deserve more?"

I nodded and pulled his head closer until our lips connected. As I was seated very uncomfortable for the situation, I moved until I was seated with his legs between my own. He smiled into the kiss and his arms went behind my back to place his hands on my lower waist. 

I never knew I wanted this so badly until now. My hands were resting on his shoulders, but I moved them to intertwine my fingers in his hair as I deepened the kiss. 

~2 hours later~

"Anthony~! Can you make us some popcorn?" I said and looked up at Anthony with my puppy eyes. His eyes met mine and smirked. 

"Sure I can, but don't start without me!" he replied. I mumbled "sucess" and he seemed to hear it, since he gave out a little laugh. Anthony stood up and made his way to the kitchen. I snuggled up in my light brown blanket and looked at the screen. We were going to watch the new episode of "Sherlock" and Anthony had paused it when Sherlock was falling from the building. It kind of looked like he was flying. I wonder how it would be to fly. Would it feel like I was laying on a mattress made of pure air and I could fly away on it like on a magic carpet, with Anthony by my side? 

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the microwave beep and a few seconds later, Anthony threw himself down on the couch beside me. I shared my blanket and he pressed 'play'. 

Anthony's POV

When the episode came to an end, I turned to look at Ian. He was covering most of his face in his blanket, leaning his head against my shoulder. Not the first time he has fallen asleep like this. 


Ian had been nagging on me for weeks that he wanted rewatch the Lord of the Rings trilogy with me. I agreed and we did. We had bought a lot of sweets and some energy drinks. Ian has never been a fan of it, but he did drink it once in a while. I've been drinking energy drinks so many times it has almost stopped having an effect on me. Anyway, Ian and I found our spots on the couch and started the first movie. Ian took the bowl of crisps and I took a sip from the energy drink.

The end credits started to roll. My shoulder/upper arm felt pressure and thought for a second it was just because I just sat for the whole first LOTR movie in the same position. I looked at Ian to make sure he was ready for number two. Needless to say: he wasn't. His cheek was pressed against my arm, laying in a visible uncomfortable position. I rolled my eyes as I turned off the TV and got him into his bed and then throwing myself on my own. 

End of flashback~

Familiar with the procedure, I turned off the television and removed the blanket from us both. My arms slipped underneath his curled up body and lifted him up bridal style. I took a glimpse of his face and I smiled. Ian has always looked so innocent when sleeping, like a little kitten that wouldn't hurt a fly. Not quite the same as when awake, I must admit.

I entered his room and gently put him down on the bed. By now, he was lightly snoring and seemed to be in deep sleep. I turned to leave when I felt him grabbing my jeans, and I looked over my shoulder. Ian was looking at me with seemingly wide-awake blue eyes. 

"Could you want to..i can sleep here tonight..if you want." he stuttered. I pretended to give it a thought and then nodded slightly. Ian smiled and let go of my jeans. I slipped under the duvet with him and he moved closer to me. We put our arms around each other and I rested my forehead against his. He closed his eyes for a minute and then looked back at me. 

"Anthony, don't ever keep silly secrets like that from me again. Would you do that? I hate to see your cheerful face being anxious. You can tell me anything," he whispered.

"I won't, I promise. But only if you promise the same," I replied.

Ian closed his eyes and made a noise that sounded peaceful. My eyelids couldn't hold up anymore so mine closed as well. Just as I was falling asleep, Ian kissed the tip of my nose and whispered;


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