Chapter 15:- Discovery

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Curtis's POV
I walked around the men who were training.We were getting ready to move towards Lucifers lair. We hadn't found it yet but Tyler knows where it is and he is training with the men. I joined in with them, we had fun while training. This was the first time I had laughed since Jessica and Rosey went missing. We finished training and went to eat.
" Oh look at who's coming to eat. Finally" whined Jackson.
" Shut up" I said. I put my plate down which only had a chicken leg, then Jackson poured his whole plate of beef and gravy. There was so much.
" For Jessica's sake, we need you to be well nourished so your strong and healthy. You need to be fit and healthy to help Jessica. Now eat all of that" he said and walked away. I stared at the food and my stomach grumbled. I ate most of it just leaving the disgusting cooked carrots which was a quarter of what was on his plate. I left my table and went to the city, as I was walking I saw a dark figure behind me. It had been following me from the castle. I walked faster and quickly went down and ally way and flew up a bit. As it came past I flew at it and knocked it down. Angels around us ran screaming.
" Why are you following me?" I shouted. It didn't reply. It brought its hands up me shot me with fire. I went flying backwards, just as I blacked out I saw a figure fly away. There are more Angels like Jessica.

Jessica's POV
" So are you ready?" Asked Flo.
" I don't know. I still feel sick from all that food I ate last night" I said.
" Yea you ate a lot and didn't get fat" laughed Jamilla. Then suddenly Flo shot a dirt ball at me. I quickly made a dirt wall, but it wasn't strong enough and I went flying back.
" Hey!? What was that for?" I whined. Everyone just laughed. I shot them with water and got zapped and landed on my knees.Then they stopped laughing. I kneeled down and held my ribs.
" Why dose it hurt so much? " I asked.
" What are you doing sitting down? You should be training hard you stupid tramp" grumbled an old man. I just stayed there and watched him. I am so tired from being zapped so much.
" Get up!" He shouted. I got up but fell down again and made a dirt dome and then I made it go away. The old man shot a dirt ball at me, I wasn't expecting it and got hit. I laid down in pain. I brought a little bit of water and healed myself quickly. I flew up and shot a large dirt ball at him. He made a shield but it still got him. He deserves it, he was so rude for no reason. Nice shot. I laughed at bit at Ruby's comment.
" Nice healing." Said elder Col as I slowly descended down to them. The man was fine just a bit dirty. I landed behind him, and he quickly turned around and shot me with more dirt. I dodged it.
" ENOUGH TONY" shouted Elder Col.
" WHY !???!?YOUR TRAINING METHODS DON'T DO ANYTHING. Your a shit teacher" he shouted back. His silver hair was flowing in his face and I swear a vein on his forehead had popped out of his skin. Flo got some guards and they took him away.
" I'm sorry about Tony." Said elder Col.
" It's ok. What is his problem any way?" I asked.
" That is a story for later. Now back to training." He said. Flo called me over, I stood next to him and he showed me a move.
" Now stand with your legs apart, just a bit wider than your shoulders. Now your going to stomp your foot as you go put your hands like your going to punch the ground then it should crack, watch" he said. He stomped the ground and put his hands like he was holding a bow and his fist were closed. A giant rock came out of the ground. Then he put it back down.
" See now you try" he said. I tried it and it worked my rock was just a bit smaller  than his.
" Wow your great. This should be easy then" he said. We trained all week, I met a lot of people and many said they would be happy to move back with the normal Angels. Me and Jamilla practice hands on battles, it was fun. Then me and Ruby fought against Jamilla and Flo. Me and Ruby won.
" Hahah that was fun" I said. We were all puffed. " Good fight"
" Yes it was Kekoa. Now we must be going" said elder Col. Some of the children came over to me, one of the young girls wanted to come with me and she started crying.
" Hey it's ok. When you move near my castle you have access to everywhere in the castle. Ok?" I said.
" Ok" she said and whipped he tears away. I put my hands together and made a flower, I gave it to her as we left, she squealed and ran off. We waved goodbye until they were out of sight.
" *sigh* I'm going to miss them, can't wait for them to live in the triads" I said and then dived down into the water and came back up all dry.
" Haha that was fun. Where's.." Before I could finished something knocked me down into the water. I turned and saw that it was a griffin and above the water there was a lot more. I kicked the griffin away from me and made a bubble around everyone else above the water. Then I brought them under and made an air bubble around all of us.
" Good job, Kekoa how long should this last?" Asked Elder Col.
" About 1 hour, umm why are they attacking us?" I asked.
" They are hypnotized" said Ruby and Elder Col, in sync.
" Oh we need to make a lot of antidote then and one that works fast." I said. Once the Griffins went past we got out of the water and kept on flying. We finally reach land and this land was covered in caves.

" Can you see a good cave we can land in?" Shouted Elder Col. It had started to rain and we needed to find shelter.
" There!" I shouted and we flew down. The cave had glowing crystals everywhere, but we still made a fire. Me and Ruby laid down and kept each other warm. I slowly fell asleep. I tossed and turned, Ruby woke me up a couple of times. I woke up sweat dripping from my face.
" Jessica" whispered a quiet voice. I looked around and could see anyone else awake. I got up and walked further into the cave, my bare feet sore from the cold water puddles.
" Jessica" it whispered again. I looked back, I hadn't realized how far I went, I couldn't see Ruby. I continued to walk until I came across a glowing tree.
" come closer" it whispered.
" Who's there?" I said, I stopped once I stepped on the water. But as soon as I stepped on it, it turned to ice.
" I am the spirit of the tree. I have been watching you" it whispered again.
" That's really creepy" I said and the spirit laughed. I couldn't see her, all I could see was the tree and the water around it.
" Yes I know it's creepy, but it was for a good reason" she said.
" That reason is?" I asked.
" I am dying, so I must pass on my power. I was given the choice of 100 angles, who were all worthy. But not worthy enough, I had given up hope" she said. The tree started to glow and the spirit came out of the tree. She was all white and green, and her hair was flowing everywhere with lilies through it " I had given up hope and was about to take my powers with me, but then I found you. I watched you build your powers and put your own life at risk to save others, I helped you a little along the way"she grabbed my hands.
" When did you help?" I asked.
" Remember when you were fighting lucifer and you started to feel more power. Oh and your golden wings, I gave you lots of power and accidentally made them gold. I don't think they suit you. I think white with golden freckles looked good on you" she said and then changed my wings.
" Haha thanks" I laughed.
" I also kept you alive when your necklace was taken by lucifer and he killed you. I brought you back to life" she said a tear rolled down my eye.
" You saved my life, but why are you dying, your so powerful, how?" I asked
" My water has been poisoned and one of my branches have been cut down. So now I am giving your my powers." She said.
" No there has to be something I can do?" I said and she fell down in my arms.
" Yes there is. Be strong and don't let any one stop you, also give this to Ruby. Everyone will be any to under stand her" she gave me a purple gem. " she has to eat it. Don't worry when she chews it, it will be soft." She smiled and then faded away. Tears rolled down my eyes.
" Don't worry my child, I will always be with you." She whispered, then a cloud a sparkles floated I front of my and went into my chest.
" Thank you" I said and fell asleep.

Authors note.

Ok that was cool and awesome don't you guys think.

Thanks for reading

It's 2016 wooh yea

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