Chapter 29:- Weakness Found

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Jessica's POV
I tossed and turned in my sleep. It had been a week since Elder Cols death and I still had nightmares. They were filled with the screams of the dead and blood everywhere. I sat up screaming and I was emerged in a hug. I puffed and sweat rolled down my face, he picked my limp body up and took me to elder Opal. I haven't had any sleep and I was weak, Curtis took me to Opal thinking that she could help me.
" you have to do something she can't continue to do this" he said. I sat on a chair behind him.
" she is strong she can make it" she said. Curtis grabbed his nose.
" yes I know she's strong but right now she's been ripped apart and she needs help" he said. I calmed myself and stood up. Using my powers I covered my body with water and healed myself a little bit.
" I think you should ask her that yourself" she said. I cleared my throat and put my hand on his shoulder.
" I'm fine. Really come on let's get up sleep" I said. We laid back down and Curtis fell asleep quickly, I stared at the wall. Then I wiggled out of his arms and went for a walk.
" as long as I don't sneeze" I whispered to myself. I walked down stairs and was engulfed in darkness, then quickly back into the light.
" Your majesty. Your suppose to be asleep" said one of the guards.
" Yess I know. Where is she?" I asked. Then he lead me to her cell.
" ahh princess why the late visit" she said. I put a tray of food down and under the bars. She got up and went to grab the food, I pulled it away before she could get it.
" I'm here to make a deal" I said. The she bursts out laughing historically.
" You are that desperate that you can to me. HA why don't you go ask Kathleen?" She said. " Oh wait." She walked up to me. " She dead" she laughed at sat back down at the back. I got up still looking down.
" You will never SPEAK THE NAMES OF THE DEAD IN FRONT OF ME EVER AGAIN." I shouted. Without noticing I made blue flames, they very slowly made their way closer to Monique. She backed away.
" I am here to make you a deal. And all you do is laugh. You could be free if you help, but you decide to be a bitch" I said then the flames touched her and she screamed out in pain.
" Princess?" Said one of the eyes widened and I made the flames disappear.
" That's it" I whispered and ran off. I tripped going up the stairs but quickly got up. I ran to the center of the castle and started talking to myself.
" Blue flames are Devils weaknesses. Why didn't I know that" I whispered then I thought back to lucifer......


" I will come for you. I will attack you where you sleep" he said and flew out the roof.

*end of flashback*

I will come for you. I will attack you where you sleep. That thoughts ran threw my mind. Then it hit me.
" He's going to attack the castle, maybe I can move it . Make a decoy" I whispered. " but I'm not strong enough....." It was silent. Just my heavy breathing and pounding heart. I centered myself and put my hands on the ground. I slowly lifted up. I hovered, both hands out and glowing. Then I started lifting the castle. Slowly it lifted. I could feel all the roots of the trees snapping, breaking free and all the rocks. I had shorts breaths and sweat dripped down my face. Then black.

" Jessica" she shouted. I opened my eyes and saw Ruby. I sat up with a loud gasp.
" What's the time?!" I asked.
" just after sun rise. Where are we?" She asked. I quickly got up and ran out, but tripped and fell down.
" Jessica stop" said Curtis as he flew over to me. " What did you do?" He asked. He helped me up and I looked around. I laughed and breathed in some air.
" I moved the castle. Haha I did it" I smiled. Then I remembered my plan. " get everyone together in the great hall. Now" I said. We got everyone toghthter pretty quickly.ruby would you please. Ruby screeched and everyone looked at me.
" Ok I know you may be wondering where we are and who did this. Well I thought back to he who must not be named and rennet that her will be attacking me where I sleep. I sleep here in this castle so I moved it and I was going to go back and make a decoy but I pasted out" I said and everyone giggled . " anyway we need everyone to follow me and make the decoy before he gets there. We need all hands on deck" I said.
" Are you sure you can't defeat him" shouted a one of the soldiers. I smiled and looked down.
" She found his weakness. She will defeat him" said elder Opal
" what his weakness?" Everyone asked.
" Blue flames" I said. And everyone started whispering between each other. I looked at Opal and she smiled. Then someone came out of no where and hugged me.
" You found yourself again" she said.
" Rosey." I said and started crying. " Yea I did. Thank you for not giving up on me." I said and wiped the tears away. I turned around and saw Curtis, I ran up and kissed him.
" thank you" I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.
" Come one we have some work to do" he said.
" Ok everyone follow me" I shouted. I was happy again. I had no worry in the world. I knew that I was going to defeat him. But if I didn't then that would mean the end to all angels.

Authors note

Thanks for reading guys. I have 3 chapters left. Comment if you have ever tripped going no up the stairs cause I have heaps of times.





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