Chapter 25:- Back Home

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Curtis's POV
" hold them back men. We need to keep going" I shouted. We were on our way to free all the new recruits, one of my men were spotted by a devil and we were attacked.
" Curtis we are starting to break through" said sky. We fought the best we could, we have lost some men and some have run away. Me and sky killed the the last 2 Devils.
" More is going to come, gather your supplies" I said, Then we heard a screech and everyone was silent.
" Is that.."
" Ruby?" Sky interrupted. It looked like Ruby but then more came.
" no it's not. GET READY" I shouted. Then they all came flying towards us, they knocked us down and bit us. I shot a lot with my bow but more came down, they were like bombs. Hitting us from every direction.
" Retreat into the trees" I shouted and turned around. Once I did I was knocked down. I fought the beast. They were owl Griffins but they were hypnotized or something.

Jessica's POV
This was it, I was finally free to go back home and help my people. And I'm definitely ready. I approached the area with Ruby, Tory, Sully, Cleo and elder Col beside me. I flew up and cast a shadow over everyone, they all stopped fighting and looked at me. I then grew vines out of the ground and pulled a lot of Griffins under. I looked down and saw Curtis being attacked by a Griffin. Ruby fly down and. Before I could finish Ruby had already knocked the Griffin off of him. Then I shot down and landed next to it, dirt went everywhere, covering it in potion it turned back to normal again. Then I flew up again and poured some on another Griffin. Then an angel came really fast and crashed into me.
" Oh my go I'm so happy to see you Jessica" he said hugging me.
" I missed you too" I said tears flowing down my face. I flew down and said hello to everyone.
" Where did you go? We were worried sick" said Jason. Before I could say something, Jackson came screaming.
" OMG JESSICA YOUR BACK" and crashed into me. We fell to the ground laughing and I made a dirt dome around us. I made it disappear and everyone looked at me weirdly.
" Your an earth elemental?" Asked Curtis. Jackson got up and I sneezed and fire came out. His eyes widened.
" Your a fire elemental and a earth elemental" they all said in sync.
"She's a elemental master. She can bend all elements" said Jamilla as she landed. Then Jason got attacked by his sister.
"What start from the beginning" Said Curtis.
" Well Lucifer tryed to take my powers and killed me. So Ruby, jamilla and elder Col helped me regain my powers so I can defeat lucifer once and for all" I said.
" Why did it take so long?" Asked Jackson.
" Well I died" I laughed " so I had to build up my energy." We were flying back to Prince Zani's castle.
" Well hello Kekoa" said elder Col flying towards us from the castle.
" Guys this is elder Col. He's the one that helped me" I said.
" Why did he call you Kekoa?"asked Jason.
" That is her name" said elder Col as he flew off. I just shrugged my shoulders and hugged everyone.
" I missed you guys" I said and Ruby joined the hug.
" We missed you too" They all said.
" JESSICA" shouted a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Prince Zani flying towards me. I flew over to him and gave him a hug.
" Oh where have you been" he said.
" It's a long story. I will tell you later, more Griffins are coming" I said.
" How do you know?" Asked Curtis.
" Because elder Col had been watching him over this last month" Ruby said. And everyone just stared at her.
" How long has she been able to do that?" Asked Jackson.
" She's always been able to do that. It's only been recent that anyone else but me could understand her." I said.
" So you have been able to talk to her ever since you got her?" Asked Curtis.
" Yea pretty much and I can talk to other Griffins as well. And talking about Griffins we need to go" I said and we all flew off.
" Oh prince Zani. Where's Kathleen?" I asked and everyone stopped and stared at me. " What?"

Authors note
Sorry for the short chapter but I
The next one is longer. So what do you think happened to Kathleen?





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