Chapter 23- Alcohol (Announcement)

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Yes! It's happening! I'm making another MiniCat book!!! The only bad thing about this is that I won't ë able to update this particular book as often as usual, but if you aren't getting one you'll get the other! I'm gonna spoil the theme for you guys! All of the guys are Superheroes!!!! I am also putting SeaNanners, GassyMexican, ChilledChaos, and ZeRoyalViking into the new book! You know what that means... SeaMexican and ZeRoyalChaos!!!!! Eeeekkkkk! I'm so hyped! Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you like both this and the upcoming book! Hopefully the second book won't move as fast as this one is. The guys are meeting people left and right! Maybe I can control myself long enough to let there be at least two chapters between the one where they meet someone xD! Luv you guys and enjoy!

Craig's/Mini's POV

"Ok... So now what?" Brock questioned. "Well, I need to go get my things from my base and bring them here." Droidd stated. "Well where is your base? We can all help you carry your stuff so you don't have to run back and forth." Marcel suggested. "Oh, um... It's at an alcohol store not at from here." Arlan said. "Beer?! Yes! Finally! We can get some alcohol without being hunted down by a crazy, murderous phycopath!" Nogla exclaimed as he darted out the door. I sighed. "Dammit Nogla!" Lui giggled in his high-pitched voice. "Let's get outta here and get drunk bitches!!!!!" Tyler yelled as he ran in David's direction. We all walked out the door to see David and Wildcat standing there, confused. "Uhhh, where is the beer store exactly?" Tyler questioned. I couldn't help but to laugh at that remark. They ran out here not even thinking of where they were going! "Hey! What's so funny..." Tyler whined. "You two are fucking idiots!" I wheezed. Everyone else began laughing except for Tyler and Nogla who were just moping. "Ok, ok, ok... Lead the way Arlan." Evan said. "Ok, follow me." Arlan commanded. We all followed him until we reached his base. "How did we not see this when we were looking for liquor?" Brian questioned as we all entered the alcohol store. The wall was stacked with beer, whiskey, wine, liquor, and all of the good shit. The floor was littered with MRE's and other military supplies. "Jeez! This is Nogla heaven!" Delirious stated as he examined his surroundings. "Fuck yeah it is!" David yelled as he ran over to one if the beer racks. He looked over at Droidd for confirmation. He nodded and Nogla dug in. He grabbed two of the strongest whiskeys on the shelf and slammed them on te counter. "Who wants to have a whiskey drinking competition?!" David askes. "What's the reward if we win?" I question. "It depends on the person." Nogla stated a he turned all of his attention to Lui. He blushed, but smirked soon after. "I'll do it." Lui remarked as he walked over to David and sat next to him. We all crowded around them. "Okay, on the count of three chug!" Droidd says. They both nod as the take a hold of there drinks. "One, two, two and a half..." Arlan counted. We all giggled as he continued. "Three!" He finished. With that the two took off. It was an extremely close game, but somehow the Squeaker managed to beat Nogla. "H-How?!" David shouted in shock. "I'll take my reward later tonight." Lui said with an evil grin. David shivered and turned bright pink, and I doubt that's from the alcohol. Suddenly, Lui put both of his hands up to his mouth and ran out of our vision. All we could hear was the sound of Lui vomiting. "You okay, babe?" David shouted in Lui's direction. "I'm f-fine..." Lui groaned back as he walked back into view. After that we all began drinking freely except for Marcel. He wasn't joking when he said he hated alcohol... At least we'll have an escort home... The moon began to rise as we all kept drinking away. "Dude, the sub already went down! How long have we been here?!" Marcel questioned. "I-hic- don't know, b-but I feel really di-hic-zzy..." Delirious slurred. I think I'm starting to get a little dizzy too... "Oh my gosh! We should totally have a sleepover here!" Evan suggested as he stumbled around. I plopped down on the couch with a bottle of Blue Moon in hand. It swished around in the glass as I hit the cushion. I was about to take a sip when Tyler quickly took it from me. "H-Hey!" I studdered. "I think you've had enough to drink for tonight-hic-" Wildcat stated as he set the glass out of my reach. "Awww!" I pouted. "Yeah, Wildcat is right, We'ew all gonna have a huge fucking hangover as it is and if we drink it all tonight we won't have any left for a time when we really need it." Brock agreed. "Yeah, let's just -hic- go to sleep and head out in the morning." Brian hiccuped. "Welp, I guess I'll have to get my reward tomorrow night." Lui stated as we all found a place to sleep and drifted into slumber.

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