12. Jick Nonas

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"I guess it's been quite a productive few days for all of us," Joe said. I had worked with him on a song, recorded and had it prepared for shipping. So far, it sounded GREAT and it was obvious it would be a hit.

With Nick, we had also worked on a song together. This song was also pretty groovy and I saw it being a hit too... single or not.

We also got the Jonas Brothers together for one last song. This was actually difficult to do, but we did it. It was 'Fly With Me' which I added my own verse to and we sang to.

With my heart, lock key.
I never wanna say goodbye.
Got the mind to seeing.
All that we miss.
Referenced to all our dreams.

"I never thought we'd sound that good until I heard the playback," Kevin admitted as he lay back on the grass with Danielle at their house.

"I had my faith," Joe said.

"I knew it'd be phenomenal. I knew it'd rock you. We should have had a girl in the band you know..."

"You said it was for the Jonas Brothers only," Kevin told Nick.

"I did?" Nick asked. I got up and went to pick a call. It was Simon reminding me to go to the airport before I got too late. Hailey's phone had somehow died and she'd been using mine because she had misplaced her powerbank. Joe had offered his phone but it was more complicated than her Nokia, so she chose mine instead.

"Okay Uncle Si," I replied while smiling. "Will do that."

"Say hi to the Jonases while chilling there. Okay?"

I shook my head before replying that I would. I made my way back and sat down on the green grass. Joe was with Hailey, kissing and stuff, Kevin had his head on his wife's tummy and they looked cute. Nick and I were seated there watching them and feeling weird.

"Joe tells me you are on a man cleanse. Is that true?"

I nodded my head. "I am a very single pringle right now you know."

"A very attractive single pringle." I threw him a look and he raised his hands. "Sorry, sorry. A guy's gotta try before accepting the truth. I can't be blamed for that."

"Is that your defense?"

"Yes Your Ladyship."

I shook my head before turning to head back into the house to get something. He stopped me, offering me his jacket. I accepted it half heartedly and he smiled.

"How old are you again?" I teased.


We sat down at the patio chairs amd talked about stuff: school, music, movies... et cetera. By the end of the visit, I was well versed in all things Nick Jonas.

Later that night, he tweeted me forthe very first time. A picture of us both had bern attached.

[a]NickJonas: spent my evening with this lovely lively lady [a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst. We should do this again! #NewFriends

[a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst: [a]NickJonas most definitely. Don't spill-o too much el-drink-o though.

[a]NickJonas: [a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst I can't be blamed. You were singing. Remember you spilt yours too?

[a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst: touché!

[a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst: [a]NickJonas as much as I ♡ this, it can't go on. You do know our fans are reading this exchange, no?

[a]NickJonas: [a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst let's make a baby then. And another one. #LOL

[a]Real_Sabrina_Hearst: [a]NickJonas oh no you didn't!

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