25. Honest

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It had been a week since we left New York. According to our schedules, we were releasing the video for 'Felt' today.

Russ was finally in the frame of the shot as he pressed the 'Enter' button on my YouTube account for the video to be online and available for watching to my fans.

"And we are online!" We both cheered. Within the next minute, we already had fifty views. In five minutes time, we had reached about five thousand and they kept increasing.

In thirty minutes, we were at a hundred thousand views. I was so excited but I had a meeting with some promoters who were willing to sponsor me for an Asian tour in an extended version of Hearst On The Line. I would visit ten cities for twenty shows: HongKong, Tokyo, Mumbai, Manila, Beijing,  Jakarta, Phnom Pehn, Seoul, Taipei and Singapore.

They had also given me the option of a Latin America tour that would start from Mexico. I was excited about both possibilities, and I really wanted to do both but Uncle Si told me it was one at a time.

Anyway, either way, I was getting sponsored if I went to Asia or South America. This made me really excited because I had cities I always wanted to visit in both Asia and South America.

"Close your eyes and choose if you can't with your eyes wide open." Hailey was standing next to me as I tried to think of all the good and bad things about both regions.


"You're overthinking it. Stop doing that."

I looked at her and sighed. "Okay."

Eventually, I ended up choosing South America. Leticia was coming for my very first show which was going to be in Brazil. She wasn't really going to perform.

I updated my medical records, and so did Hailey and Leticia. As always, we did promo work, and rehearsals, before once again launching into tour mode.

The video was well received by all. It had many celebrities asking me where I shot it in Miami, but I refused to give details. Zac Effron made me happy though. He talked about how jealous he was that he wasn't in 'Felt' and the entire time he did that, Russ and Hailey were exchanging bets and tweets behind my back!

[a]Halez_: so right now we know how Zach feels about 'Felt'

[a]Russo90_: believe you me [a]Halez_ I know how he Felt

My fandom had a field day with the tiny snippet of the clip Russ posted. I shook my head at his crazy behavior before continuing to write yet another song for the album. It was called 'I Hate Love.'


Studio time on a tourbus? YES PLEASE!

I was currently in Sao Paulo in Brazil for my very first show in South America. I was so excited once we touched down. There were so many paparazzi who were waiting at the airport. I was driven to the hotel by a limo as soon as I got out of customs. I have no idea why I was picked up by a limo, but it sure caused quite a stir.

I was shown my tourbuses which were totally awesome! Unfortunately, I was not going to use them too much in the first week. I was, however, going to record my songs for the next album there, and that was something to look forward to.

"You do know that all you need are two more songs to make this album complete, right?" The sound engineer asked. We had discussed the different themes I wanted on my album and we had agreed, together with the label, that my album ought to have about thirteen songs. I had pitched so many more songs to them, and they were all good, but we sat down and chose thirteen and saved the rest for the EP or LP... whichever would come next. The label had said I do an EP first, so some of my songs would go on that, then my LP would have others, then my album would finally be released.

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