Chapter 3

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Brielle's Pov.

"Wow," Leo wolf-whistled. "You look hot!"

"Why thank you." I smiled, giving him a twirl.

The disguise Leo had brought was basically, a white blouse with short sleeves, a black mini skirt that stopped right above the knee, and black pump heels.

My hair was tied up into a bun with the help of a doughnut. I had also put on some professional looking glasses.

I looked quite a bit older than I really was.

"Kay, let's go." I said, grabbing the plastic bag which had my clothes inside and hiding it behind a bush.

Me and Leo walked to the convenience store together, but he stopped at the entrance and I walked straight in.

"Excuse me?" I said to the male shop keeper in a sweet voice.

"Hey," he replied, giving me a smile.

"Can I buy some cigarettes, please?" I asked politely.

"How old are you, babe? I swear I've seen you go to that school up the road." The guy grinned.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Nate, hun." He smirked.

"Well Nate," I smiled. "Has no-one ever told you that it's rude to ask a lady for her age?"

"Oh people have, sweetheart." He laughed.

I leaned over the counter and un-did the top button of my blouse so he could see a bit of cleavage and a bit of my black lacy bra.

His eyes darted to my chest and I internally smirked.

"So, what were you saying about selling me those cigarettes, BABE?" I purred.

Nate just opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish.

"Dude, take your eyes off her and give her the fags." Leo growled, giving him a glare.

I raised an eyebrow at him, but his face no longer held any emotion.

"Chill dude!" Nate put his hands up in surrender and handed me a packet of Slims cigarettes, his gaze no longer on my chest.

"It's on me for the show, babe." Nate grinned.

"Pleasure doing bussiness with you, hun." I winked, gratefully taking the fags.

Me and Leo both left the shop and I got my bag of clothes as we headed to a nearby park.

"Brielle, what on EARTH were you doing?" Leo demanded.

"Getting my fags." I murmured, opening the packet and getting a cigarette out.

"Elle, you were flashing everything to him!" Leo accused.

"I was so NOT flashing everything to him, but I had to do SOMETHING to get him to give 'em to me!" I argued. "Why do you care anyway?" I asked. "Is lickle Leo jealous?" I cooed, pinching his cheek.

"No!" Leo said defensively. "I just didn't like it."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of dissapointment at his answer, but I quickly shook it off.

"Fine," I sighed, grabbing my cigarette lighter from my bra. "If it upsets you that much, I'll TRY not to do it again, but no promises, cuz, it works."

"Thanks." Leo sulked.

We walked to a nearby park and sat on the swings.

I just pushed myself back and forth slowly with my legs.

Me and Leo just chatted for a few minutes before Leo got a text and had to leave.

Ten minutes after Leo had left, a dude a few years older than me, came to the swing where Leo had previously been.

"Hey there, saw you talking to Leo Roscoe." He grinned.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Your momma never told you to not talk to strangers?" I asked.

"I'm sure she would have," he smirked. "If I knew her."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Anyway, 'bout Leo Roscoe, he hasn't told you anything about him, has he?"

"Look, dude, why d'you wanna know?" I inquired.

"Just," he shrugged. "He's leadin' you on darlin', wouldn't wan' a girl like you to be heart broken, now would we?"

"Why would I be heartbroken?" I laughed. "I like Leo, but NOT In that way."

Liar, Ellie.

The dude started laughing.

"Darlin', I been watchin' you two all day," he argued. "We both know, that you do have SOME feelin's for him."

I shook my head and stood up.

"Look, this has been nice an' all," I began. "But I have to go."

I began to walk away.

"He didn't tell you where he lived, did he?" The dude called after me. "He wouldn't, would he?"

I stopped, but didn't turn around.

"I'll show you if you like." He offered.

I slowly turned around.

"How do you know where he lives?" I asked. "You a stalker or somet?"

He started laughing again.

I sighed, folding my arms across my chest and putting all my weight on one foot.

"So, you game?" He said.

"Look, I respect the dude's privacy," I declined. "I'm not exactly jumping to let him know where I live, either."

"Fine, suit yourself." The dude shrugged. "But, he'll never tell you, an' well, you deserve to know."

"If I do, will you stop bothering me?" I sighed, using the situation to my advantage.

"I swear." He smirked.

"Fine," I agreed. "Oh, and what's your name?"

"Lucas, but you can call me Luke." He replied.

"Brielle," I smiled. "But you can call me Ellie."

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