Chapter 2

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Ellie's Pov.

"Brielle, is it?"

I nodded.

"Welcome to Sacred Heart High School," the Headmaster gave me a small smile from behind his desk.

"Thanks, Sir." I mumbled, leaning back In my seat and folding my arms across my chest.

"As you may know, Sacred Heart is a school for delinquents." The headmaster continued.

"I do, Sir." Jess had given me the pleasure of knowing this, two seconds before the bell for the start of school rang.

"I have looked at your previous school record, and I think you'd be perfect for this school." He told me.

I raised an eyebrow.


"Of course," Mr Sims replied. "As this is a school for delinquents, we excel in teaching students like you, how to behave."

I wrinkled my nose, not liking the way he said 'students like you'.

Suddenly the door burst open and a boy who was probably my age came in.

"Mr Sims-" he stopped when he saw me there.

There was no denying it, he was handsome. His short dark brown hair was spiked up expertly and he had a small diamond stud in one ear. He was wearing a red plaid button up shirt that was straining against his muscles. He was also wearing dark brown Chino's with red Vans.

He looked me over for about two seconds before muttering a 'sorry' and backing out of the room.

"Where were we, Brielle? Ah yes! I trust you have your timetable and planner with you?" Mr Sims said.

I nodded, patting my black Paul's Boutique bag.

"Okay, Brielle." Mr Sims nodded. "I trust a clever girl like yourself doesn't need any help finding her way around the school, or making any aquaintances."

"Thanks, Sir!" I gave him a smile and got up.

"Bye, Brielle."

"Bye, Sir."

I waved, before opening the door and exiting the room.

The boy who came into the room before was standing outside, his hands in his pockets and his head bent. As soon as I closed the door, his head snapped up and his gaze landed on me. His emerald green eyes scanned me over for a minute or so, before turning back to his Vans.

"Oi!" I called, walking over to him.

"Hey." He called back.

"D'you know where E5 is?" I asked. "I have my next lesson in there."

"I'm there next, so just follow me." He told me.

"You wanna bunk?" I offered.

"Wow!" He laughed. "New kid is badass!"

"Hell yeah!" I smiled. "So, you comin' or not?"

"Don't need to ask me twice." He smirked. "The name's Leo."

"Brielle," I smirked. "Pleasure meeting you."

"Brielle, the pleasure's all mine." He smiled.

We walked outside and to the field, where it looked like half the school were, and just sat down in a space.

"I can't believe you ditched class on your first day!" Leo laughed. "Even I didn't do that!"

"Cba to go to classes." I shrugged, crossing my legs and putting my hands on my lap. "My mom dis-owned me anyway."

"Ouch!" Leo gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry!"

"No, don't go all sympathetic on me!" I whined, playfully punching him in the arm.

"Guess I know how it feels like," He said sadly.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, my parents are close to dis-owning me aswell." He added.

I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Hey, if we're bunking, we might as well get something out of it!" I got up and dusted myself off. "You comin' to buy some fags with me?"

"I don't smoke but, I wanna see the drama un-fold when they tell you you're underage." Leo smirked.

"Oh thanks!" I said sarcastically. "Anyway, you won't see any drama, cuz I got a fake ID."

I flashed him my fake ID and he raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" I gasped. "You don't even have a fake ID?"

"Nope." He shrugged.

"How, are you a delinquent?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"Something I did at my old school." He shrugged. "Anyway, I can be badass, but, I don't waste my talent on such small things."

I rolled my eyes and just pulled him up to his feet.

"Kay, let's go." I muttered, running over to the locked gates. They were chained together at least a hundred times.

"Okayyy, I didn't thing about the gates..." I mumbled, stepping forward, I gave them a shake but they wouldn't budge.

"Just climb over the wall, Elle."

"Awww, what would I do without my Bunk Buddy?" I cooed, pinching his cheeks and beginning to climb the wall.

"Bunk Buddy?" Leo repeated, following suit.

"Yeah," I jumped down the other side of the wall, dusting my hands off. "Come on!" I yelled to him.

Leo then jumped down, coming up to me in long strides.

"Kay, I recently moved here... Soooo, where's the nearest convenience store?" I asked.

"It's literally, like down the road." He told me, pointing down the road where I could see students from our school coming in and out of a small shop.

"Fuck," I swore. "The shop keeper'll know we're from the school, won't they?"

"Yeah," he replied. "Look, how about we come here after school? My home is two minutes away from here, I'll bring some disguises, and we'll do it, for fun."

"Uh, yeah, Okay..." I agreed. "Why don't we just both go to your house?"

"Uhh... No!" He said quickly. "My... Uh, family are a bit... Weird."

"Look, it's OK, I'm used to weird." I shrugged.

"Uh, just no! I'LL bring the disguises." He said.

"OK, OK, dude!" I put my hands up in surrender. "YOU can get the disguises..."

"Thanks," he breathed, running a hand through his hair. "Let's just go to classes now, before they send the guards out!"

"Do they really?" I asked, following him back to school.


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