The appointment

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When we get to Dr. Jackie's office, mom is waiting for us. We only wait for about ten minutes, then Nurse Crys comes out and says, "Come on back, Austyn." We all go back to Dr. Jackie's office and I sit down. Jay stands behind me and plays with my hair. Dr. Jackie smiles and says, "I have good news for you, Austyn! I have approved you for cochlear implants!" I jump out of the chair, hug Dr. Jackie, then Jay spins me around, dips me and then kisses me. He then takes a small box from his pocket, opens the box, revealing a crown shaped ring, engraved "Jay and Austyn" and slips it on my finger. All I can I think about asking is "How soon can you do the surgery?" "She replies, "We can go in next Friday." I turn to look at Jay and he has tears in his eyes. We hug and then leave for home.

Hearing ImpairedWhere stories live. Discover now