Chapter 22

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{Hey guys, okay! I'm so sorry if I overwhelmed you with too much information from my last update xD I know, I know, but I really hope that doesn't change your thoughts towards this's just how I want this story to go. 

So, there are two Chasitys now. The real one (the one who's with Matthew and currently being held captive) and the fake one (the one who's with Patrick and the band; I'll be naming her P.O.V as 'C's P.O.V.' from now on.) So that's that.

I hope you enjoy!}

*C's P.O.V.*

I really thought that all will be fine now, but the moment I found out the truth about myself, it's like everything just got messed up. It's like I caused this all.

First, my brother is nowhere to be found and I'm so worried about him and now, Matthew just escaped the asylum for only God knows how! All this information is not really helping any of us and it's just making the tension around us worse. All of them are worried about me like anyone will be coming in at the door and try to kill me or something.

"Will you guys please calm down! I'll be fine." I said, my voice raising a little. I don't want them to act this way, it's not doing us any good.

"Sorry, Chas. It's just that we don't want anything to happen to you again." Pete answered with his worried expression. I smiled at him, showing my gratitude.

"I'll be fine, this time I will be...I think." I said with doubt in my voice. I honestly don't feel threatened that's why I feel like everyone is overacting, thinking the worst case scenario for me. I know girl's instincts are sometimes too powerful and now I feel like I'm safe, like no one will be coming to kill.

"We let our guards down the last time, I'm not letting that hap--

"Patrick, please. We won't, I won't let that happen to me again...whatever it is. So please calm down. I'm more worried about my brother than Matthew. I need to find my brother, I need to ask him things." I said.

"He might be working with Matthew now. I'm really sorry to tell you this, but that's a big possibility now." Joe said and he's really trying hard to say all this things because he knows it can hurt me.

"No! No, Chris wouldn't do that. Maybe he's just confused, or something. He can't do that!" I answered back.

"Well, it explains everything. He doesn't want you to be with us, he doesn't want you to know the truth. And in the first fucking place, how on earth did you get to him? Probably Matthew gave you to him again in exchange of a deal or something." Allie reasoned and I helplessly looked at them. I'm running out of reasoning here.

"No, there must be something more than that. My brother loves me, he know what would I want and need in life and for all I know, he won't stop me or be in my way to achieve that. I know him! That's why I know something might be wrong and I'm dying to know that! So we have to find him, and he might be in trouble or something now that I know who I really am!" I said in panic and I only able to gain myself when Patrick held my hand.

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Where stories live. Discover now