Chapter 24

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*Chasity's P.O.V.*

A skeleton costume suddenly landed in front of me while I was just staring into plain nothingness. I looked up at who threw this at me and I'm still so disgusted and angered whenever I see his face.

"There." He said while calmly sitting down.

We're currently at his rest house and below this living room we're in was my cell, but since he let go of me I can move around now. I'm just not sure why I still haven't killed this guy in front of me and why am I living with him now...somehow.

"Last night didn't go quite well, right? You just terrified them, but I think that costume will help you." He said normally. This guy is really mocking and torturing me, but heck! I'll still try everything to get my life back.

I just stared at him seriously and he sighed, leaning forward to look at me seriously too.

"They'll have a short gig tomorrow and that will be their costume, well, they still don't have a permanent drummer, so why don't you fill up the place tomorrow. They'll be wearing those for the whole show, so don't worry." He explained.

"Why?" I hissed at him and hr laughed at me.

"To help you, of course. No, seriously, I'm giving you a fucking chance here, Chasity, so don't bitch around. I'll be giving you your free will, your own decisions to make everything fine again or permanently ruin them. Isn't this fun, I'm helping you and at the same time I'm cleaning my hands from all this mess I made...and if you mess up, it's not my fucking fault anymore." He said anf he's surely enjoying this. "Exciting, isn't it?"

My sight just got so black out of anger and attacked him without even thinking. I thought I'll hit him now, but he's really fast...the next thing I know is that I'm pinned against the couch with him on top of me trying to hold me down.

"Anger will not lead you anywhere, Chasi--

"Oh, look who's fucking talking about anger!" I shouted at him.and tried to struggle, but he's too strong for me.

"Listen to me! Do you really want to waste time trying to kill me than planning on what you'll be doing tomorrow?! Save your energy, love...before you even give up on this." He whispered at me. He's really close to my cheeks now and I'm really getting so uncomfortable here, but finally, he let go of me and left me there.

"You're lucky that I'm helping you...instead of killing you." He said before walking away and I was just left there breathing heavily to myself.


I made it...I'm already inside the venue of the boy's short concert and I'm already shaking like hell.

Band Princess {A Patrick Stump FanFiction ~ Sequel to Band Prince}Where stories live. Discover now