Chapter 9 -part 2

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" Ge, do you have a partner for the dance? Or it gonna be that Cathrine girl again. " Tao asked rolling his panda eyes and slump beside Kris.

" No way I'll bring that slut. She's just boring to be with. You know that she asked me to live with her? "

" Eww~ really? She doesnt deserve someone perfect like you. You sooo perfect. " Tao insert sarcasm in word perfect.

Kris punch Tao's arm while Luhan just giggle from earlier. He continue watching his friends punching each other. Just then, Sehun come out from his room with deer plushie in his arm. He lay his head on Luhan's lap and continue to sleep.

" Oh Sehun, I asked you to tidy your bed not sleep again. Get up now! Or else I'll not let you sleep with Luhan again. " Suho said crossing his arms.

Lazily, Sehun get up dragging his fav pillow gift from Luhan to his room and closed the door. Suho sit beside Luhan and said,

" That kid really like you, hyung. When I mention your name, he do all his work done. "

Luhan raised his eyebrow, " So I just your--- "

Before he could finished hiz words, Suho cut him, " My wonderful helper because that kid such a trouble. "

" Everyone, lets eat. Dinner ready. Come on! " Lay pop his head from kitchen.

" Cant you just call us properly? Popped your head like that almost got me a mini heart attack. " Tao start to complained.

" Pshh.. Whatever you panda. " Lay said and go back to kitchen, ignore what Tao said.

After finished eating, all of them watch tv together and Kai open his mouth,

" All of you already have your partner? "

A few of them answered, ' yes ' and some ' no '. Kris remain silent and start fiddling with his phone.

" Kris, are you going to ask your fiance? She's pretty hot you know. Or Cathrine again? " Kai ask him but he didnt get any respond.

" Ugh.. he's such an a*s. Dont say you ask that b*tch again. Cant you move on already. Dont be such a freak. She's a nice girl but you did that to her and she almost lost her V-card" Baekhyun crossed his leg.

" Baekhyun, your language. He's your hyung. Dont say such things to him. Just sit still and dont say anything would help. Thanks. " Xiumin, as the oldest said.

Kris stop playing with his phone. He didnt pay attention to his friends. Without saying anything he get up and go outside the house.

" Hyung, are you alright? Dont mind them. You have me and I know you'll make a good decisions. " D.O follow him and take a sit on the bench.

" D.O you know that she still mad at me right? How I'm suppose to ask her to the dance? And these guys keep remind me to Cathrine. "

" Yeah, I understand. Its your fault at first place. Why did you do that? Wait, did you still had thing with her? "

" I already broke up with her. But she'll keep disturb me. She like a witch. "

D.O sighed, " She'll definitely hunt you forever. But dont worry she'll not go that far. "

" Yeah I hope so too, D.O-ah thanks. You're different from that guys. I only have you to talk about my problems. " Kris suddenly start to get emotional. D.O pull his giant hyung and hug him tight.

" No worries hyung. I'll be here for you. Dont cry hyung look
terrible. Let's go inside its getting cold. " he said and pull Kris inside.

Once he enter, everyone gaze fell on him looking shock and mouth hanging. They never saw Kris, who always looks cold, crying.

" H-hyung--- "

Baekhyun face got pale as he looking at Kris. He want to say sorry but too shocked and words not coming out.

" Shut up all of you. "

Kris said and grab his stuffs. He went to D.O and whispered something as D.O nod in understand. He shut the door and drove to his parents house.

" Good job Byun Baekhyun. I'm so proud of you, my little brother. "

Xiumin put in sarcasm and go to his room and slam the door shut. Leaving the other guys on the living room.

' I'm so a dead meat. Oh god. ' Baekhyun thought.


" Sungjoong-ah, stop moving around. I'm trying to put this on you. " Shannon said while grabbing Sungjoong shirt.

Woohyun enter the room and put a tray on the table. He sit on the bed, look over a bunch of face treatment stuff in the basket.

" What with all of these? You going to apply this on his face? Ugh Joong-ah you looks like a girl already. " Woohyun frown while holding a bottle.

" Shut up Woohyun. You're just annoying here. Get out or you want to try but shy, right? " Shannon snaps him.

Woohyun leaves the room muttering 'no'. Shannon continue her work until done. She do her work in professional way cause she took major in it.

" Done! Now go wash your face and sleep well. I need to clean all this mess. " Sungjoong get up and go to his room after saying thanks.

" Yoona, you didnt tell me yet about the dance. Do you have a partner yet? "

" No. "

" What about Kris? You're his fiance. "

Yoona shrugged, " Dont know. He doesnt care about me and didnt bothered to say sorry to me. "

" Ugh fine. Lets sleep we'll talk about this tomorrow. " Shannon said and turn off the light.


Sorry for the delay. My internet connection was poor due to heavy rain. Here the second update and I'll update within this week. Thanks for reading. Feel free to vote and comment here. Check my other fanfic on my profile. Bye.

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