Moving Day

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This is my first book so I hope you like it, also if you did like it vote, comment and keep reading :)

I woke up with the pale light of early morning peeping through my curtains and shining on to my face. I stretched for about a minute and then got up to look out the window, the morning was fresh and beautiful, the dew was on the grass making it look like sparkly green diamonds. I could hear the singing of birds, each song was different from the rest. I tore my eyes from the wonderful sight and looked down to my feet, I felt a single tear run down my face and fall to the ground, today I was going to leave this all behind and move to Canada because my dad got a really good job offer to go work for some big engineering company. Right now I lived in South Africa, I loved it here, I wasn't popular at school but I had great friends, I quite liked being in the group who were too loud to calm down, and too nerdy to come back to the normal world. My friends and I called ourselves the Avengers and we all had different names like I was Black Widow because I'm ginger. Oh and I'm 16 and my name is Clarke Anderson.

I sighed and took a deep breath I turned around and walked to my desk where I had set out clothes the night before. I threw on my grey cat jersey and white jeans which had holes by the knees. I half heartedly did my hair into a honey bun and put on some make up, I tried to give myself a kind of smokey eye effect but I didn't quite get it, but oh well who cares I'm going to be on a plane for fricken hours. As I was putting on some light blue converse I could hear my mom running around downstairs I rolled my eyes and smiled because that's what my mom always does whenever we go away. (Outfit at the top of page if its there, if not just imagine it :D)

An hour later at 6:00 my dad and I were waiting outside for my mom while she ran around inside looking for things we might have forgotten. My dad started to get annoyed after two minutes and ran inside the house to go get my mom, the flight was only at 9:00 but my dad always liked to be super early. While my dad was inside with my mom i decided to check my phone, I was scrolling through Instagram where I found about ten posts from all my friends saying they were really sad to see me go I almost started to cry but I decided I wasn't going to because I was stronger than that and I didn't want to ruin my almost smokey eye make up.

About six minutes later my dad and mom finally came out the house. My dad looked really annoyed and was constantly checking his watch while mumbling words I didn't quite get but I'm pretty sure he was saying we were going to be late, typical dad. I got in the back seat of the car and stared out the window to look at my house, I was really sad to be leaving everything behind and by everything I mean a whole 16 years of my life. As we drove away I turned around to look down the street I had grown up in and I whispered a "goodbye".

I took out my phone and posted a tweet saying "goodbye Africa, Canada u better be ready cuss here I come :)"

I hope you liked it and remember to vote and comment, also Shawn will be coming in chapter two :)

Life of the Party // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now