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The plane trip was long and frankly it was disgusting I had to be the unlucky soul who had to sit next to some guy who drooled every time he feel asleep which was all the time, the guy even missed food because he was sleeping. The only reason I had to sit next to the guy was because my parents decided to get seats behind me so I couldn't sit next to them which sucked.

When we finally landed and got off the plane my butt was so numb I only gained feeling like an hour later. I stepped out of the airport doors into the icy open air, it was freezing here I don't know how people could live, I then regretted my outfit choice I should've worn a hundred jackets it was that cold.

My dad then led my mom and I to a company car that my dads work had let him borrow, it was ugly, small and yellow. But anyway it had heated seats so I was happy. My dad said the drive to our new house in Toronto would be an hour away, so I asked if I could play my music I didn't feel like listening to ACDC, my dad eventually let me play my music, I put on Levels by Nick Jonas. My parents were rolling their eyes at me because I was doing this crazy dance and sang with the song at the top of my lungs.

After a while when I had calmed down and was now listening to I see fire by Ed Sheeran my dad turned around and said pulling up into a road, "this is the road where our new house is" I leaned forward to get a better look at the road it looked like a really quiet and nice place, all the houses were small and nearly all of them had an upstairs. My dad turned the steering wheel and drove into a driveway, the house we were going to be moving into wasn't big but it was nice it had a pretty little garden and it was painted a light brown. As soon as I stepped out of the car I saw the door to the house next to mine open and a girl with short black hair stepped out and started walking over to me.

Girl: "Hi I'm Chrystal, I'm your neighbor" with a smile.

Me: "Hi I'm Clarke it's nice to meet you"

Chrystal: "So where did you move from."

Me: "South Africa"

Chrystal: "wow that's far why did you move?"

I was about to answer but got distracted by someone playing an acoustic guitar, the person played it so well I started to walk around to look for the person playing it. I recognized the tune as Sweater weather by The Neighborhood. Chrystal saw me looking around for the music, she ran in front of me and smiled.

Chrystal: "do you want me to take you to the person who's playing that guitar?"

I immediately nodded and Chrystal started to walk to a house on the other side of the road and walked up the driveway. The music had gotten louder and then I saw the person who was playing, he had started to sing and it sounded amazing I had never heard someone who sang so beautifully. Someone was filming him singing and started to signal Chrystal and I to move out the way I then realized we had been right behind him so we would be in the video. Chrystal quickly pushed me so we wouldn't be behind him anymore, he immediately stopped singing and turned around to face Chrystal and I he smiled and said hi to Chrystal and asked who I was.

Chrystal: "oh ye this is Clarke she just moved in next door, Clarke this is Shawn."

Shawn: "hi it's really nice to meet you." He smiled and put his hand out to shake my hand.

I turned bright red because I thought he was pretty cute and he was really polite. I put my hand out to shake his but I put out the wrong hand so I quickly changed hands so I could shake his. I smiled and said it was really nice to meet him too. We awkwardly stood there for a couple of seconds, it was starting to get really awkward so I decided to break the silence.

Me: "so Shawn you play the guitar?"

Shawn: "yeah I do I really love it!" He seemed to really like that question because he had a really big smile on his face which I thought was really adorable.

We stood there talking for about 15 minutes when it started to get a little bit dark, my mom then came up Shawn's driveway she smiled at Shawn and Chrystal and told me it was time to go because I still needed to unpack all my things. Chrystal and I said bye to Shawn and he said bye back with this adorable goofy smile. I walked up to my house and said bye to Chrystal as she started walking over to her house.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please vote and comment :) stay tuned for chapter 3

Life of the Party // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now