Her Beautiful Heart: Chapter One

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Chapter One

The girl had been in love before, though most would not call it love, as she was only sixteen. But she had been in love. And she hated that she fell in love so easily and completely.

The boy was not one for love. He liked to date a girl, make her think he liked her, and then dump her. Sometimes he felt bad, though usually he didn't, because he just didn't like the girl he was dating. Sometimes friends dared him to date a certain girl, but he was good looking and he almost always said yes when a girl asked him out. Which was a lot.

But this girl was different. She was really pretty, but she was not conceited, and she was smart, and she was kind, and also really sweet and funny. She was different. He didn't think he could ask her out, for fear of her saying no. This had never happened to the boy. He had never before cared what anyone thought of how he looked, though plenty of people told him he was hot, or cute, or handsome. He never cared what people thought when he asked out three girls in one week. But somehow, he didn't think this girl would like that. She was so kind, while he couldn't care less about anyone's feelings other than his own.


"I just don't think I can do it, guys," she whispered to her two best friends. "I've never asked anyone out, and yeah, I know you guys think he would totally say yes, but I really don't know if I have the guts to do it!!" 

"Oh, come on, you can do it!!" exclaimed the girl to her left. 

"Sshhh, keep it down!" she shushed her. "Someone will hear us!!" 

"Seriously," said the girl to her right, "it's fine. No one will hear us, and if they do, they won't care." 

"Yes they will. They'll listen in and then go tell everyone who I like. Ugh! You just don't understand!" She explained, getting louder and louder with every word. 

"Gosh. You don't have to get all mad," said the girl on the left.  

"Yeah. Well, we gotta go to social studies now," said the girl on her right, pulling a face that clearly stated she did not want to go to social studies. "See ya later, Allygator!" 

"Goodbye, Candy pie; farewell, Shantelle," muttered Ally, still upset that Candy and Shantelle didn't hardly care about how upset she was over her current situation. She had to get to math though, which was her best and favorite subject. The only problem with math this year was the teacher, Mr. Thresh, who was a total crab. Candy and Shantelle walked away towards social studies while Ally turned around to go to math.


"Yeah, sure," he said, casually leaning against the locker behind him and smiling. He could tell the girl in front of him was absolutely bursting with excitement. 

"Ok. Ok," she kind of breathed out, trying to calm herself. "Ok. Um, well, here's my cell phone number, then. Yeah. Text me, Jake!" Then she made a jerking, almost like she was going to hug him. She settled with turning around and half jogging, half speed walking away. 

"Well. That was awkward," Jake muttered to himself. "I'm dumping her soon." He walked away, on his way to tell his bro about his latest girlfriend.


Soo this is my first time writing a story and I know this first part isn't very long, but please vote/comment!!!! I would love to know what you guys think, and I am always open to suggestions or ideas!!! Sorry if there is any mistakes, I'm writing this on my tablet, sooo, yeah. I hope you like it!!!

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