Her Beautiful Heart: Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Soooo......" Candy wasn't sure what else to say. She had brought forth every detail, countered every argument, played every side, used all of her information, and done so much more than anyone else would have been able to.

Candy was in a debate. It was a project for her Social Studies class; they were supposed to be on one side of an argument. Either they were against the death penalty or for it. Simple, right? Not for Candy. She was against it, and she wasn't about to let anyone tell her that it was good. Candy had studied for this for days, and she was not about to be beaten by anyone, and it showed. She had won the debate hands down; even she could tell that as she stood in front of the class watching all the faces around her. Some had just sat there, stunned, as she easily beat down anything anyone said that was for the death penalty.

"Um, well, thank you Candy!" said her teacher, Mr. Gleiss, haltingly. He was still surprised at the amount of studying Candy had put into the project. The bell rang. Everyone hopped out of their seats and left. And Candy knew that her landslide win of the debate would be all anyone was talking about for the rest of the day.


"Oh my gosh, Candy, you are amazing! Yes, of course, it was all anyone could talk about for the rest of the day! No, no one thought it was bad! They talked about how you had an answer for every arguement! Okay, fine, but I want to hear it tomorrow! Yes, I'm coming over. Whatever! Goodbye, Candy pie!" Ally hung up, smiling affectionately. She had to talk to Candy after everyone had been talking about her for the past day. She hadn't had a chance to talk to her at lunch, because Ally was making up some homework for Mr. Thresh, her math teacher.

Still looking at her phone, Ally wasn't really watching what was in front of her. She walked around a corner. *Smack!* Straight into someone. She sat up from where she had fallen on the floor and looked at who had run into her. Ugh. she thought. It was the school player, Jake Kelley. He asked out about three girls a week, and he never cared when he hurt their feelings. His friend Tobias was with him. Ally disliked Tobias too. He was almost as bad as Jake, and Ally considered him Jake's blind follower.

Ally stood up from where she had fallen and watched Jake as he got up. She figured he would look annoyed and tell her to watch where she was going, then sneer at her and walk away. So, she was very surprised when he looked up at her, did a double take, and then stood up very fast and sort of stutttered something incoherent before walking away quickly. His friend Tobias looked just as surprised, and he stared hard at Ally for a few long seconds before slowly turning around and following Jake down the hall.

Weird, thought Ally. Jake had never so much as looked at her before, let alone like that. It was actually kind of nice.... No! I cannot think like that. Ally scolded herself. He is a player, and he would only break my heart. I can never like him. She shook her head and walked away, deciding never to tell anyone about her encounter with Jake Kelley, the school player


Jake had been minding his own business, talking to Tobias and tring to get him to tell him who he liked. And then, he had run into her. He had thought it was some weirdo who couldn't see anything, maybe one of the geeks or something. But, when he looked up at her, he saw nothing of the sort. What he saw took his breath away. It was a girl. Obviously. She was in a cute little blue dress with a ruffled skirt on the botton and a sleeveless heart-shaped neckline, and she had dark, almost-black hair that matched her eyes almost perfectly. She was beautiful. Quickly, he stood up. Almost too quickly. Play it cool, he thought. Say something smooth. He looked at her again, and that was all it took. His voice, along with his breath, were gone. "Uh, uh, um, I gotta go," he stuttered out so fast it could have all been one word. How have I never seen this girl before? wondered Jake in amazement as he spun on his heel and walked away from the beauty in the blue dress.


Done!! Haha I hope you like it c: I've been working on it awhile, and sorry I didn't get it up sooner. My summer has been very busy. I will try and write quicker from now on, but no promises c; Well, vote/comment!

P.S. Please check out the picture of Ally's dress!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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