Her Beautiful Heart: Chapter Three

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Chapter 3


Guys, I just wanted to say that this chapter will be all descriptions; I’m going to describe the character’s looks, homes (maybe) and school. Just so you don’t think this take place in the actual story. Okay, enjoy!


This story takes place in Rhode Island. They live in a little town called Kenyon. It is right near Maple Lake, and not too far away is Worden Pond and the Great Swamp Wildlife Reservation.

Ally is pretty normal looking. She has one of those faces; the ones where you’re not sure if it is considered pretty or not. She liked her face; therefore she almost never put on makeup. She has dark almost black eyes, and her hair is also a dark brownish-black. It falls in big, bouncy curls down to her waist, and frames her face perfectly. She also has side bangs. Ally likes to pull the top part of her hair back and hold it in with her favorite butterfly clip. She lets her bangs fall naturally off to one side. Her favorite outfit is a white sleeveless shirt with a light blue tank top underneath, her sky blue skinny jeans, and silver flats. Her house is a medium size house; it is a very light blue color on the outside and a light tan color in all of the rooms except Ally’s. Ally wanted her room to be very special, and so the summer before her first year of high school she had painted three colorful rainbows that crisscrossed across her room with a black backdrop. She has a twin bed with rainbow sheets that is in a corner of her room, while the rest of her room is mostly dominated by bookshelves or just books lying around everywhere. There’s one round, black, and very fluffy chair in the opposite corner from her bed. She has a small dresser that is right up against the end of her bed and a small walk in closet on one of the walls. The walls of her room are filled with pictures of dogs; they are mostly pictures that she took of her own dog, Willow. Ally loves to take pictures of Willow, and she dreams of one day becoming a professional dog photographer. She likes school and loves to hang out with her friends at their houses and talk about all the drama going on in their school. They like to make fun of how big of a deal everyone makes out of childish, pointless affairs. Ally has a wonderful personality. She loves to volunteer at animal shelters and she is almost always nice to everyone she meets. She is very smart and earns straight A’s in all of her classes. Ally also had a great sense of humor. She always knew the right thing to say to make someone laugh. She is not so great with sad people though, as crying makes her uncomfortable. Overall though, Ally is a good person and cares about others.

Jake is very, very good looking. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He works out and is very well built. His favorite outfit is an aqua colored shirt with a tan sleeveless jacket, light brown pants, and his favorite pair of neon green DCs. His house is pretty big; his family isn’t poor, that’s for sure. It is off white on the outside and light green in the rest of the house. Jake has posters of all his favorite sports teams plastered on the walls, along with shelves that held all the trophies and medals he had gotten from different sports. He also had a few pictures of different bands he liked hanging up. His guitar sat on a chair next to a small bookshelf that held a few books and some CDs. His bed is queen size and it sits against a wall in the back of the room. He has his own bathroom attached to his room near the corner in the back, and his full size walk in closet is on the side of the room. Not that he really needs it. He doesn’t have nearly enough clothes to fill an entire closet. Jake likes to hang out with his friends at the pool and watch all the babes swimming. His personality is almost the complete opposite of Ally’s. While she is volunteering at animal shelters, he is hanging at the pool being lazy. Where she is kind to most people, he doesn’t like to talk to anyone who doesn’t look halfway appealing. He is nowhere as smart as Ally, though he still manages to scrape by with B’s in every subject except music and math. Jake hates math. He is currently getting a C, but just barely. It doesn’t help either that he is not very good at anything involved in math. His favorite subject is music though, and he is getting an A in that class. His best attribute is honesty; he'll never tell you anything that isn't true (unless it would be better to lie about something, such as if it's really bad).

Candy has an irresistibly sweet face, with big blue eyes that seem to pop and flowing blonde hair that goes down to past her knees. She loves to style her hair into impossible patters and intricate designs that sit beautifully atop her head. She has a gift for hairstyling and wants to become a hairstylist when she’s older. She absolutely adores her blue and white striped dress that has crisscrossing straps in the back and goes down to about her knees. She loves to swim and hang out with Shantelle and Ally. She has a very sweet personality and smiles almost all the time. She only swears when she is very upset or angry.

Shantelle is a fairly pretty girl. She has a long face and wears quite a bit of makeup, but it doesn’t look horrible on her because she knows how to put it on right and it fits her face. She has bright green eyes that go good with her favorite green t-shirt, which says ’You Mad Bro?’ She likes to wear dark blue skinny jeans and blue converse with that shirt. Shantelle hopes to one day start a business that will grow to the very top. She likes to be in charge of large groups of people. She has a commanding personality, so this would work out good for the job she wants. She doesn’t hold back either; she likes to speak her mind and get it all out there. She is still a nice person though, and very generous. She likes to give to people that have less than her. She would love to be in the Peace Corps too.

Tobias is good looking too. He has light brown hair that has a few streaks of blonde in it, and he has hazel eyes. He like to just wear jeans and a t-shirt, he doesn't really have a favorite outfit. However, he wears his black-and-green striped converse a lot. He wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up; he has a huge soft spot for animals and would love to keep them all healthy. Tobias is a nice guy, though he can be a bit blunt. He is a lot better with animals than he is with people.


Yay! Ok, tell me what you guys think?! I’d like to know what you guys thought the characters were gonna be like. (Oh and by the way, if you can’t imagine what Jake would look like, I’m basing him off of Ross Lynch.) Thanks for reading and vote/comment!

P.S. Some of my friends and also my sister are writing stories, and I just wanted to tell whoever's reading this, because I know they would love the reads. My friend MikaylaLovesZayn has a story called You did what, Louis?!?!? (that one is a One Direction fanfic) Then my friend maggiebarbara has a story called The Probably Not So Mystical, Everyday Adventures of a Mostly Average Girl. My sister has a few stories, but I'm not sure if any of them are posted yet. You could still follow her though, to know when she does post them, I know she would appreciate that. Her username is StaceyDeMunck. Well, that's all I wanted to say. Please read their stories/vote for them/comment on their stories!!

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