Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Hey there! So guys this chapter will be kinda sad and I wanted to warn before you continue that it contains suicidal themes. So if you have triggers to it and can't deal please skip this chapter. Ok you can continue. Kai's pic at the top.


Mystery Person's P.O.V.

A smile tilts my lips as I disconnect the call with my dear Ace. He was smarter than most people gave him credit for and would probably figure out it was me sooner rather than later. That thought didn't upset me though. In fact I welcomed it. I missed him and didn't want to see him suffer at the hand of those two Carlingson brats. I didn't want him to end up like me...broken and alone.

He didn't understand what it's like for someone to toy with your heart like an old play thing and throw it away like garbage when they were through. He didn't understand betrayal by someone who was like a brother to you. He didn't understand how horrible it is to waste away in a nut house getting unnecessary drugs pumped into you on daily basis for two unbearably long years. He didn't understand the god-damn hell those brats would bring into his life. He didn't understand that asshole Alexander and he sure as hell didn't understand that little bitch Theo.

But I know them.

I know there stupid game.

I know about their disgusting infatuation with each other.

I know that I will ruin them even if it killed me.

I wasn't afraid of death because in a sense I was already dead. It felt like I died on the inside after what Alexander did to me. I can't feel anything but hatred. The only person that I don't despise is...Ace and he needed me. He was heading down a path I knew would lead to his destruction and I couldn't allow that to happen. I had to save him from the wretched pain I suffered through. He was blinded by a love that would never be returned by that bitch he calls his boyfriend.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. A deep frown settles over my features as Theo finally comes out of his father's firm with a far away look in his azure eyes. He of course doesn't notice my glare as I relax in the comfort of my car that thankfully had tinted windows. He probably doesn't even remember me but in time I would personally jog his memory. It doesn't take long for someone to pick him up and I laugh when I notice who it was.


Poor thing.

Still hung up on his bestie...when friendship was the only thing they'll ever share. It was sad honestly but served to amuse me none the less. Maybe Kai would be of use with a little bribing. Who wouldn't hurt to try.

My phone rings and I scowl when I notice who it is but answer anyway.

"The brat is gone. Come to my office now. Time is of the essence." A deep annoyed voice says through the phone.

"Come on Mikey...can't a girl have a little fun." I purr into the line idly twirling my strawberry blonde hair around my finger.

"Not on my time and stop calling me that ridiculous name. This is strictly business..." He drones on before my light airy laugh cuts him off.

"Your just precious aren't you? Well then I think I should remind that I'm a cute little sadistic fact most would say that's why I was wrongfully locked up. Don't test me Mickey...I tend to bite back." I say in a sickly sweet tone before hanging up.

He may be paying me to 'fix' the problems that were his demonic spawn but I would do it on my own terms. I think I deserve that much. With a contented sigh I drive off plotting how I would make my grand entrance back into the live of all these very fucked up people.

War of Hearts (BoyxBoy) [Book 1: Unspeakable Series]Where stories live. Discover now