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"I got it" my mom yelled from the kitchen, meanwhile I was in my room hyperventilating.

"Oh my god Leah I'm gonna tell him I can't go, I'm too nervous" I could feel the blood rushing through my body and my palms where a sweaty mess "seriously I- I can't Leah" I quickly hung up and ran downstairs in such a hurry to end this not looking where I was going I tripped and stumbled down the stairs

"Woah, excited to see me that much" he caught me before I could fall "didn't your mother ever teach you that it's not safe to run down the stairs" I was still in his arms, his strong muscular arms, when we realized the position we were in we quickly got up

Clearing my throat and dusting myself off "well I guess I missed that lesson" he laughed and walked back down the stairs but before he reached my mother I pulled him aside, time for me to back out of whatever this was

"Umm look..."

"Oh great you're backing out" how'd he know that

"What no! I mean maybe, it's just that I'm not ready and I've never done this before Liam and plus why would you want to be seen with me?" Saying what I had to to get out of this

"What do you mean?" He's so sexy when he's confused 'ugh why did this have to be so difficult'. He moved closer and I could feel his breath on my nose, I took a step back but he got closer so I just clenched my hands in hopes of not falling "why wouldn't I want to be seen with you?, you're the hottest thing I've seen since I've been here" he whispered. Not knowing what to say I took a big gulp and yelled

"MOM!" I quickly moved away and turned to find my mom walking towards us from the kitchen "Liam and I are leaving now soo..." I grabbed his hand and headed for the door

"Sweetie remember your curfew"

I turned around in embarrassment " MOM!" Liam smiled and waved goodbye to my mom before he shut the door. we got in his car and he backed out of the drive way.

"so where to first?" he glance at me for a quick second

"umm.....OH! we can go in the city there are lots of cool places there"

"sounds like a plan" he pulled out of the drive way and drove off. I couldn't help but think that this was a joke and no way this guy is real. As he was driving his words kept on replaying in my head, he called me 'the hottest thing since he's been here' not that I'm not flattered but clearly this guy hasn't been here that long.

Few hours into the "date"

"You hungry?" He looked at me and said

"Uhh yeah sure"

"Well there's a hotdog cart over there, come on" he grabbed my hand and we ran across the street, as we're running I couldn't help but look at our hands, the gentle feeling coming from his palm just melted my insides. His hand was both soft and strong, so warm and welcoming I didn't want to let it go but we got the the other side of the street and he did.

So far it was going great and Liam was a natural at fitting in, people really liked him why wouldn't they. And in the mist of all the fun I didn't realize what time it was 'oh crud it was almost 12' I had to get home "think you've seen enough yet?"

"I don't know, why?" This was gonna hurt to say

"I have to get home" I said

He sighed then smiled "alright come on" we got back to his car and he drove off.

When we reached my house I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I wanted more time. We got out the car and he walked me to the front door "I had fun" he smiled

"Yeah right" I snickered,

"Seriously I did, you're great company and I feel like I know the city now" he said while brushing his hand in his hair, 'oh god why was he so gorgeous??'

"Thanks, I had fun too sorry we had to end it my mom doesn't kid about curfew"

"It's alright maybe we can do this again" oh sweet music to my ears

"I'd like that" I smiled and about to turn the knob on the door when he pulled me and kissed me on the cheek with his hand caressing my neck, I pulled away after and smiled at him before going inside. After closing the door I leaned against it thinking 'why everything this guy did was such a turn on?'

I finally snapped out of it and was making my way pass the living room to my bedroom when.. "Had fun?" I jumped out of terror

"MOM! really?" she was just sitting there in the dark

"Did I scare you?"

"Mom, why exactly are you sitting in the dark?" She raise an eyebrow and I realized why "oh it's about my curfew, I'm sorry mom we lost track of time but I got home as soon as I realized"

"That's not it" she shook her head

"Then what is it?" I said

"Well earlier after you left your school called, something about you skipping Wednesday and Thursday" she got louder and I got frightened, my mom does not play when it comes to school that why my grades could never be lower than a B+


"Oh....just oh that's all you have to say" 'no actually if I said what I had to say you'd probably kick me out' but I kept my mouth shut. She stood up " since when did you stoop to skipping Brett?" I still kept my mouth shut I thought maybe if I didn't say anything she'd tell me to go to my room, but nope she just got louder "ANSWER ME?!" she yelled

"I'm sorry mom it only happened twice and it won't happen again, I just felt a little overwhelmed and I needed some space"

"That's it, that's your excuse Brett you needed some space?" she grunted

"Mom it won't happen again, you're overreacting" she was ruining my night

"Brett I don't approve of this but I'm going to let this slide, just don't ever let this happen again"

"I just said it wouldn't"

She walked away and I just stood there confused. My mom is serious about school but she just blew this whole thing out of proportion and that's not like her, something's wrong.



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