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When I got into my driveway the first thing I did was call Leah, I had to tell her everything... "....OH MY GOD Leah he is such a good kisser, nope the word good doesn't even describe how amazing his kissing was, I swear to you Leah its like he was massaging my mouth with his lips and tongue" it was that good

"That good huh?"

"GOOD! Leah it was amazing, and I can't help but think that maybe he actually has feelings for me"

"Why wouldn't he Brett, your an awesome person and Liam would be lucky to have you" I feel like the lucky one

"Thank you Leah" when I walked in my mom was standing there waiting for me, by her face expression I took a hint "Leah I gotta go" I hung up.

"Brett sweetie I need to talk to you" wow she sounds serious

"Must be serious, last time you called me sweetie I had to be the ring bearer at aunt Martha's wedding" there are many things wrong with that sentence not only is aunt Martha 90 years old, it was last year she got married, and I was stuck being the ring bearer because her own children and grandchildren wouldn't do it, one can only imagine the embarrassment I went through, there were pictures everywhere.

"Oh come on you were adorable"

"I was seventeen" I said with a straight face

"Whatever I really need to talk to you"

"Is this about dad because if it is you don't have to say it, it's pretty self explanatory" I was never sure but I always thought that dad was cheating on mom when he's away on his "business" trips

"What are you talking about?" She said confused like

I didn't want to come out and say it so I made sure we were on the same topic "what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about my workshop that I have to go to on Tuesday" we weren't on the same topic


"Yeah, but wait what's this self explanatory thing about your father"

"Nothing just that he's away a lot"

"Oh, you must miss him" not as much as you'd think "I miss him too Honey"

" that all"

"No.." She waited then started "what I really wanted to talk to you about his how long I'm gonna be gone for" wait WHAT!?

"What do you mean?"

"I leave for the workshop on Tuesday and I won't be back till Friday" so I'm gonna be here all alone "now Brett you're 18 so I completely trust you alone but I can't leave you here alone without setting some rules"

I was so excited but I didn't want to show it "ok" so I stayed as calm as I could be

"Well first no parties, I don't want any raging teenagers in my house" I looked at her with a straight face

"Yeah because I'm sooo popular, that people would just willingly come to parties that I throw"

"Second no friends over but Leah" of course and its funny because I know what She means by "friends"

"Alright mom, is that all" I really wanted to go an text Leah the amazing news

"No, well..yeah for now" I kissed her and ran off. I ran in my room and pulled my phone out and texted Leah.

"Oh my god guess what?!" I remember how bad of a guesser she is so I texted "no don't guess I'll tell you"

She texted back "lol ok"

"On Tuesday mom is going to this work thing and she won't be back till Friday"

"Aww lucky" she said with a as face

"No stupid, she said you can come over"

"Oh yay"

"But she specifically said only you as in no one else is allowed" I think we all know who she's talking about

"Lol Liam"

"Yep" after that text she didn't reply so I just showered and got in bed to watch some tv. Around 10pm Liam called to say goodnight "hey"

"I miss you"

"you don't miss me" I said

"Why don't you believe that I do?" Many reasons

"I don't know, just hard to think that someone actually misses me" besides my mom or Leah

"Can I ask you something Brett?"

"You just did lol" I said while smiling

"No silly something serious"

"Oh, ok" I braced myself for whatever, I may be skinny and seem vulnerable but I'd like to consider myself strong

"Do you have trust issues?, and I mean that in the most respectful way possible" I really didn't know how to answer that but I tried

"Umm no its just that I've never experienced with a guy before and guys here are so close minded that I never let the thought of trusting one of them cross my mind"

"Well I'm not from Fresno and I'm not close minded" good to know

I really wanted to ask him but I was scared of what he would answer, what the heck what's the worst that could happen I'm gonna ask him "do you like me?"

"I like you Brett more than I thought I would" what's that suppose to mean

"Why?" What?...I have to know what I'm getting myself into

"Because unlike guys in New York or the close minded guys here you're different.." Great the you're different card "..I like how you get nervous when I get close to you, how you look away when I smile at you because you're afraid I'll see you blushing, I like how welcoming you are.." Maybe I was wrong, maybe I had to change my whole attitude because if something is going to happen between Liam and I, I don't want it to be because he looks gorgeous I want to know him more.

"Wow, no ones actually told me how much they liked me before"

"Well get use to it because, you'll be hearing it a lot"

I laughed "from you?"

"Yes, hopefully..." He actually likes me "...just give it time people will see you as I see you"

"Hope that's a compliment" I said back

"It most defiantly is"

I suddenly remembered what my mom told me "oh I forgot to tell you, so on Tuesday my mom is going away and she won't be back till Friday"

"Wow that's good news, maybe we can spend that time together" funny how he said maybe

I laughed "you said maybe as if it wasn't going to happen" my confidence boost grew

"Oh, my bad what do you have in mind?" I had to come up with something quick

"Umm I was thinking you come over and stay with me for a while" I said slowly

"I'd like that" we laughed together and I yawned "oh someone sounds tired you should get some sleep"

"It's ok I want to talk to you"

"That's great but we'll have plenty time to talk, get some rest first"

I sighed "ok, goodnight"

"Goodnight" he hung up and I rolled over and fell asleep.

I'll hold my breath (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now