Chapter 6

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Sunday comes sooner than I wish for. But it's here and I have to suck it up, for Wendy. I wake up and I start getting ready. I'll be comfy and just wear sneakers with some leggings. I'm sitting in my living room, bobbing up and down my leg. Different emotions are coursing through my veins. I'm waiting for Twinkle-Butt to come pick me up. I already explained to my mom that I'll be out with Twinkle-Butt for awhile. I hate to lie to her, but it's not exactly like I could tell her I'm going to the morgue to investigate a dead girl from next door. Something tells me that just won't end well. Finally I get a text that Twinkle-Butt is here. I grab my bag, say bye to my mom, and head out to the car. As I'm walking out I look over and see Ryder. He sees me and I flip him off, he deserves every single second of it. I get in the back, seeing as Katie is in the front seat.

"Hey Katie and Matt."

"Hey," they both say.

It was quiet the entire ride, which is unusual for us. We had picked up Jane as well. Whenever I looked over she seemed... afraid, as if something terrible would go wrong. We finally arrive and Twinkle-Butt parks into a space. Conveniently there is an open space right next to us and the devil himself, no wait let me specify, the devil's nightmare himself parks right next to us. I'm not even hurt any more, but I do feel pure anger. We all get out and head to the hospitals main entrance. Once we get in there, Twinkle-Butt and Katie head to the psych ward to start the distraction. We head down the hallway and click the elevator button to go down. The elevator doors whir open and all 3 of us head inside. There is a M button, which obviously stands for Morgue. I press it, but nothing happens. I continuously press and slam my finger on it, but we don't move.

"You know slamming it won't do anything," Ryder smirks while saying.

"Yeah, but slamming your face into a wall can do something," I answer mocking his smirk.

"Ouch, I could do some slamming too," he winks. He is begging to be killed.

"Guys behave, we can't access the Morgue because we need a key card," Jane informs.

"Wow, Ryder couldn't you have told us that," I scold him.

He pulls out a key card.

"I decided to keep that a secret. I swiped this off a guy when we were walking in."

"Okay, well let's hurry up before people start to join us," Jane tells us.

Ryder swipes in the key card and presses the 'M'. The elevator starts going down and my anxiety starts raising through the roof. The light elevator music was not helping how awkward and frightening this situation was, but I was definitely not going to show that.

The elevator stops and so does my heart for a second. We step out, and Ryder's permanent smirk wasn't I guess so permanent because it diminished. It is so much cooler down here, actually freezing. Color is probably nonexistent down here and for a second it feels as if time stops. Air is moving and breathing stops. The anxiety is crushing that I feel like I have to work to breathe. We each take soft steps as if we will awake the dead bodies. Oh God, dead bodies are at the end of this never ending hallway. I've never seen a dead body in real life. Truly, I've only read about it.I start second guessing and thinking that this is a shitty plan. But at the same time we can't turn back, we have to keep going.

Finally we reach the door. Jane's shaky hands push the cold, steely door back gaining us entrance into the room. The air shifts and it feels thicker, as if the pressure of death is weighing on you... because it is. The strong smell of chemicals make me lightheaded, but I slightly detect a whiff of lavender. As if that could ever bring up this leaden mood. We continue on in.  Two steel metal tables have green medical cloths covering the expired bodies. Normally my curiosity would get the best of me, but this time the mouse is dead and the cat will keep moving on. Jane looks at us.

"I'll look for my sister. Look in the cabinets," Jane says curtly and steely, matching the atmosphere.  We nod. Jane has every right to be the first on to see her sister. She heads to the opposite side of the room and we head to the file cabinets. Surprisingly the file cabinets were unlocked. I open them, touching the gelid metal. All of this seemed purely coincidental, but I pushed that back. I had an objective to complete. Wrong move.

After shuffling through files, nothing was labeled, I found Wendy's paperwork. I grab it, and even though it was most likely light, it made my arms and heart heavy. As soon as I touch the file, we hear a thud. I turn around and see Jane on the ground, a container was open. She found her sister. She was indistinguishable. Not because she was full of color and was now pale white; she was missing something else. Her face. My knees give out and I fall to the ground; the papers from the file scattering everywhere. I couldn't have lost anymore, but instead I lost hope, hope in humanity. What was I thinking? How could I have been so ridiculous? Matt was right, I should stop meddling. I not only scarred Jane, but had her lose hope and faith. I was evil. I was the devil.

Ryder gathers all the papers and helps me up. The lights shut off. Everything dark, but somehow nothing changed, except fear washed over me. The kind of fear you get before you die.  We hear a man chuckle, so heartless, so sadistic. He wanted us to go here. This was the killer. Something told me it was.

"So silly. This was my plan. Lose hope and faith because guess what, those things never existed," the man with such a normal voice says. I feel his breath on me and a cold blade touching my arm.

"But no, I didn't do it because I hated the world and wanted to kill some naive, hopeful girl. No I did it for the girl who closed herself off, because she knew the world could hurt her. I did it for you Indigo."

I stop breathing. He chuckles in my face and steps away. I try to leave Ryder's arms, but he holds me back.

Jane knows he is coming towards her. "No, no, no..... NOOOOO!!!" A piercing scream that cuts the thick air rings through. I pull myself out of Ryder's arms, heading to where Jane last was. I hit into one of the steel tables. It threw me back. Then the lights turned on. I get up and see Jane unconscious on the ground. Blood trickling out of her head. I run to her, falling down by her side and putting her head into my head. All I want to do is cry, but I can't. GOD DAMMIT! LET ME CRY! I beg and beg, but it's no use. Ryder puts his hand on my shoulder. I move it. I don't want to be consoled, I want this over with.

A corner of a card stuck out of Jane's pocket. I take it out and find it to be a business card for a strip club.

I turn around to Ryder and show him the card.

"We have to go here, find this son of a bitch, and kill him." For once Ryder didn't make some perverted joke and pull a smile, he just nods. This situation has changed us. It made Ryder go deeper into himself and me into a part I never thought I would touch. The one that was not black, but crimson. For blood.

Well hey guys, long time, no see. I know I haven't been posting a lot, but I now I have a schedule down and I will try my hardest to stick to it. The next chapter will be published on April 5th. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and from here on out will definitely get more serious. There will be a few jokes thrown in, but definitely it will keep a somewhat dark, scary tone. I have never written anything like this, so I tried channeling my darkest feelings. Truthfully, there aren't many, and also I felt like crying in some parts and my heart dropped in others. I'm hoping I was able to broadcast those off mto you guys. I really am trying. Well I'll see you guys on Tuesday! Thanks!

xoxo, Sarah

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