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My heart skipped a beat the moment I entered the Coffee Shop. The light was deemed and it made the perfect romantic setting for the evening. I looked around but didn't see him around. I hope it was not a joke. — i thought to myself as I tried to mask my anxiety by pretending to check the hour on my phone. As I was looking at my unlocked screen of my phone, a Text came through. It was his. "I'm outside, in the patio." I felt like i could breathe again after that first impression. The hostess came up to me and greeted me nicely, she was a few inches taller than me and gave the looks of an woman in her early twenties, she asked if I was waiting for somebody, but i denied it shyly, i asked her to show me the way to the patio to which she kindly said yes. She leaded the way with grace and poise, you could feel her kind yet strong presence in the room. Her golden brownish tan skin and her ombré hair tied up in a nice and elegant pony tail were a sight to behold. god, I wish i were you. She leaded the way to another floor-to-ceiling crystal wall on the far left of the restaurant, as we were getting closer a young waiter rushed to the door and held it open as we stepped in.
— Here you go, Sir. Your waiter will be with you shortly. — She said with a warm and tender voice as she entered to the restaurant.
— thank you. — i replied softly, my nerves were almost popping out, but i loves the rush.
I looked around the patio. The three rustic brick walls were quite beautiful and the way vines covered the east wall made you drool. It also had a few more space on the southern part of the patio a perfect blindspot. The roof was half-concrete-half-wooden. i actually felt in Paris, which is the place my ex left me for. Oh, The Irony . The Christmas lights were hanging of a wooden roof with perfectly placed Rhombus cutouts that accentuated the fanciness of The Coffee Shop.  The tables were made of black steel with a table top of black granite, i was really feeling that gothic-esqué vibe. The chairs were also made of black steel but had a black pillow for both the back and the seat area and also arm resters. I look around to see if i could find him, i went from north to south, and right there in the southeastern corner of the patio i saw him. He was sitting on a table talking with a Girl, it didn't bother me, he told me that he needed to bring a friend of his so his parents wouldn't suspect it was a date i was empathic about the situation, i knew what it was like to hide your sexual orientation from your parents. He was wearing a navy blue Shirt with small white anchors on it, a pair of American Eagle Slim straight jeans and a pair of Flexi Black Shoes. i knew because i had the same at home. He had his dark brown curly hair nicely done, it was clear that he put as much effort on trying to look good as I did. As soon as he saw me
He smiled, i smiled right back at him and started walking up to the table. He stood up and hugged me tightly, i hugged him back but not as tight, i was not willing to show my true feelings. I smelled his cologne and it was the most beautiful scent i've ever smelled, a perfect combination between hard wood and gentle flowers. That was really appreciated on my end. The hug was not awkward at all, it was the opposite. I felt safe and sound. He whispered into my left ear "hello, gorgeous." , i looked down and said Hi. As i walked a step or two to sit on the chair next to him he pulled my chair out and helped me. The moment I seated he got closer to my side. He looked at me with his beautiful brown honest eyes as he debated if he should or should not hold my hand completely forgetting about the fact his best friend was right there in front of us. The waiter came up to the table and greeted us immediately following his greeting he asked if we would like a drink.
"I'd like a Diet coke, please. " he said on a warm voice. His friend followed with her request of another diet coke.
"i'd like a Sprite, please." i said on an extremely sweet and kind tone. I was going to go with a Cappuccino but mixing Caffeine and alcohol was not a good choice for me. It's not like i have done it before, but my blood pressure goes up when I drink an energy drink. No coffee for you tonight, sir. I could feel his eyes looking at me, analyzing me closely, i could see him right from the corner of my eye, it honestly made me shy. I tugged a rouge strip of my hair behind my ear, that's my sing of nervousness. The waiter left the menus and went over our beverages to make sure he got the order right. After he double-checked the order he turned around and left. It was an awkward silence situation, but He broke it. He introduced us and we greeted each other kind of awkwardly.
"So, how was your day?" He said to me with a smile drawn on his lips, his voice was deep enough and sounded really formal and mature for his age. I mean at 18 you really don't expect a boy actually speaking on a grown-ass-man style, or at least that has been my experience.
"Normal, nothing eventful here. What about yours?"
"Mine was really nice, thank you. We did a project on geography actually" The way his eyes shined when he talked about his day made me weak, he really likes school. Thank God. "... And that was pretty much it. So, what's your mayor in college?" He asked with a polite manner.
"Administration of Touristic Enterprises. What do you plan to study in college?"
"Many things actually; Law, Gastronomy, Education and maybe even psychology. I like to think that knowledge has no boundaries. So, i take as many courses as i can... Which is also why usually take a few hours to answer your texts." He said in a gentle manner. What is it about his way with words that is so enchanting?
"You don't have to give me explanations..." I said on a passive aggressive tone, he interrupted me abruptly before I could continue to complement my argument.
"I don't, but you deserve them." He said sweetly with a flirty smirk. He eyed my hand, I wonder why he did that. "You dance, right? What is it about it that got you so into it?" He asked with an intriguing stare. I myself didn't know the answer, i just liked the artistic expression in general.
"Oh... Well... I don't know. I just feel so relaxed when I dance. It's like nothing else exists. No problems, no stress, no overthinking. Just me and the music, and that's what makes me love art in general so much. The sensation of being free. It's my sweet escape." He stared at me fascinated of what I said. His eyes stared into mine, as if they were looking for a pigment of falseness on what I was saying, but I didn't lie, at all.
"Oh, really? You like every branch of art? I love the plastic branch. Painting, sculpture, architecture, everything. I can see your more musical, you're more into the exploration of your own self and you do that through music. Of course, i'm just assuming." He said gently, it was weird how he made feels, like he understood me. His friend was on her phone, it made me feel bad about it. I've third-wheeled before and I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone feel that left alone if i ever had someone on that position.
"So, what about you? What's your sweet escape?"
"Oh, I don't know. I haven't found it yet... i guess... that... my friends are my way of escaping stress for a while." She said with a almost emotionless face, The waiter came back with our drinks and served them to us. This coffee shop is so freaking fancy... even a canned drink looks like a million dollars.
"Are you ready to order your meals?" The waiter asked politely, his voice was much deeper now.
"Oh... no, not yet. Thanks." my date said with a hesitant voice. Honestly, i was starving, but I wouldn't let it show.  The waiter nodded his head, turned around and left. When he left we kept the conversation going.
"Favorite topic at school, cutie?" He asked kindly and in a flirty voice. I couldn't believe he actually said that in front of his friend. She was as surprised as I was. Without a doubt, none of us saw that one coming.
"Science and language. Yours?"
"History. What do you like about those two?" He had a default tone whenever he asked for more information. Stiff yet gentle.
"I don't know, I guess just the nature of it, the actual nature of matter and how the inside of things work. And about language i guess i like to communicate with people from every part of the world, i'm planning to travel a lot, to know different cultures and countries. Which is also why i study my mayor. The more languages i speak fluently the better. The more places i visit the better. You know what they say — The More, The Merrier." I didn't actually realize that innuendo until a few moments after it fell out of my mouth, but for the first time in my life I kept that comment to myself.
"Oh, that's nice! Haha you're cutie" oh god. My heart skipped a beat and i got even more nervous, I smiled at him shyly meanwhile i tugged a rouge strand of hair behind my ear and took a sip of my drink after. He noticed i was nervous.
He and His friend shared a look and instantly she stood up.
"I'm going inside, i invited someone to come." She said with a smile, whoever she invited must be important to her. As soon as she finished her sentence she turn around and went inside to get a table for her and her mystery date. I didn't gave much importance to it. When i turned around, he was taking a sip of his coke. He looked dreamy, the way his eyes were closed as he drank was anything but sloppy. I bit my lip, how cliché of me. As soon as he turned to me we kept the conversation going.
"I need to take this out of my chest. You're beautiful. I've been dying to hold your hand since the moment you came in here. Maybe this is rushed up but i want to thank you for sending that message and actually letting me have one of the best moments of my life with you." He said with glittering eyes, he stared into my eyes and disarmed me. This is too good to be true. I thought to myself out of the blue he hugged me, his arms were around me and i felt safe. Protected by his embrace. I corresponded him. My eyes were around him and I rested my face on his shoulder. This couldn't be better. The hug ended but he kept focused on me. He held my hand the moment I rested it on the arm-rester of my chair. He kissed the back of my hand and started caressing it. Whatever you do, Don't Screw Up.
"Look, I don't know if you're free on Thursdays, but my high school is going to start this thing on October, Movie Thursdays, and i'd love to have you come over and watch a movie with me. I don't know if you like scary movies, but if you don't like them you can come and we can go to the garden, there is this beautiful and peaceful spot where we could talk... I don't know... I just want to keep seeing your face." I felt overwhelmed, but at the same time I wanted to do everything he said. He was just like a kid on a sugar rush, enthusiastic about the situation, he was letting every single thought go out of his mouth unfiltered.
"I'd love to... Just text me the details and i'll be there. I'd like to keep seeing you too." I said softly. My stare was directed to his eyes but it was tempted to glance over his lips. He makes me weak. I turned away to take a sip of my drink and as soon as I turned away he kissed my cheek. I blushed immediately. An idiotic smile came out as soon as it saw the opportunity.
"What was that about?" I asked playfully.
"I'm sorry, i just wanted to do it. I hope it didn't make you uncomfortable." He said, his voice denoted one feeling, embarrassment.
"It's okay. I don't mind stolen kisses. His right hand was still holding mine. I didn't even realize he had his left arm around me. His left leg was shaking. A clear sign of nervousness. He looked at me sweetly, i really did feel like he liked me.
"Do you want to eat? Choose anything. My treat." He said gently. My independent self came up and immediately responded.
"Thanks, but i will pay for what i eat."
I said on a gentle but dry tone. I don't like having people pay for what i eat or drink. I was raised that way.
We debated on who will pay for dinner for about 5 minutes.
"I will pay for my part, okay? End of discussion." My voice was authoritarian, but at the same time i kept my sweetness.
"No, I'm not letting you. It runs on me tonight, okay? I want to treat you right, and that includes paying for dinner. Let me do it this time, please?" His eyes were like puppy eyes, demanding things to be done his way. I surrendered to it. I'm stubborn, but i know when to back down.
"Okay... This time. Next time it's on me."
"Perfect. Choose anything you want." He said with his signature smirk.
I looked at the menu, I know myself enough to know that I will not finish my plate. So, a salad sounds so good.
"Are you ready?" He asked
"Yes. What about you?"
"Same, let's just wait until the waiter comes around, gorgeous." He said as he grabbed his phone, he checked his texts and his expression denoted a little sadness.
"At what time do you have to leave for your party?" He asked kind of saddened.
"8:30-ish, why?"
"It's 8:15... I guess you'll be leaving in a few minutes..." His eyes lost a little of his spark and he caressed my hand like he didn't want me to leave. I felt so loved at that moment, at the signals that he was sending my way.
"Oh... Yeah.. I guess in 15 minutes or so." — I said a little saddened too. I didn't want to leave his side. I was drawn to him in more was than I expected. I made my mind up in that moment. — "You know what? They won't miss me if i miss this party. I'm pretty sure they will have another one next week. I'll stay."
"You don't have to... If you want to go then it's okay. I get it, they are your friends." He said with his eyes staring at my hands. Our fingers were interlocked, his thumb caressed the side of my hand, just below my thumb. He actually wanted me to stay, but wouldn't say it explicitly. I placed my left hand over our holding hands and turned to him. He looked up to my face and I responded to him.
"I know they are my friends, and if they truly are my friends they will understand why I didn't show up. Besides, they party every single weekend. I want to stay here, with you. I feel comfortable and i really like you. I'll stay." I said with a tender smile.
"For real?" He said with the spark in his eyes back from the dead.
"Yes." I responded.
He smiled like never before. I glanced at his smile. He noticed. I directed my glance up to his eyes with a smile drawn on my lips. He started leaning forward.

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