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"my pleasure harry!" Louis says jumping up you groan as you feel more fingers attacking you

"A-All o-of you STOP"you manage to say through laughing

"not till you say it was un-true!"Louis and harry tease

"f-fine... i-i w-was A L-LOUIS -G-GIRL" you look a Louis who bursts out laughing

"now now (Y/N) we both know that's not true!" Louis says tickling you harder " you ARE and always WILL be a harry girl" he winks at his friend

"H-Harry S-Stop N-Now" your laughing so hard he has to unjumble your words

"I Have and always WILL be a harry girl!" he stop tickling you

"I love you to the moon and back no-one can change that! your the straw to my berry! I'm un-complete with out you! now please can we just relax?" you say sitting up and catching your breath

"forever and always?" harry asks shyly

"yes harry! forever and always yours! your stuck with me whether you like it or not!" you say leaning back on the wall

harry looks at you in the eyes and then at your lips

"I love you too (Y/N)" he whispers before crashing his lips on yours

you pull away catching your breath

"harry I'm going to bed" you say waking up the stairs ... you wait at the top

"harry" Louis asks

"yeah mate?"

"when u going public? its been a while..."

"interview Friday, don't tell anyone its a surprise" he says hushing his voice

"but what about th hate?" Louis asks

"if they don't like it then they aren't really fans are they?"

harry says.......


hey yeah I know this is short but I'm new to this so yeah.... this is unedited so probably mistakes

thank you so so much! Xo

for ever and always-harry styles imagineWhere stories live. Discover now