chapter 11

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"isn't she lovely
isn't she wonderful
isnt she precious less than one minute old
and I never thought through love we'd be
making one as lovely as she but isn't she lovely made from love"

the sound of Harry's voice fills the room you start to slowly stir from your sleep looking up finding harry laying next to you singing.
"Well good morning" he says as he gently kisses your lips

"well good morning to you too harold, now go away im tired"
"Is that the kind of treatment I'm gunna get all the time!"he asks whipping away fake tears

"Harry"you whine
He huffs slowly sliding out of bed doing a funny hop thing before going to get A shower
You groan as you sit up and start to search for clothes.
Fifteen minuets later Harry reappears with only a towel wrapped loosely round his waist,

"You know it's very rude to stare miss"
You blush a little forcing your eyes to leave Harry's body

"Maybe,but you love me anyway"
He walks over perpously dropping his towel a bit so you can see his 'V-line'
He places a kiss on the comer of your mouth

"And you miss are coming to work today" you groan slightly annoyed
He chuckles walking off to get dressed in to a plain white tee and sweatpants
You on the other hand decide its onsie day and put on Harry's white onsie from x-factor

"Maybe you should wear my clothes more often" he says walking over grabbing his keys "c'mon,I think el is there today"

You slide on your uggs and grab your coat following Harry out he opens up your door for you he starts up the engine and you buckle in

"Guess what?" You say out of the blue

"Ummm. What" Harry says turning in to the studio car park

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