chapter 9

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"3,2,1 GO" Harry whispered across the table to you, he stares at you you do the same back, your sister galnces at you then at Harry quickly looking away still not over the fact that THE HARRY STYLES is in the house. you focus on his eyes when your phone starts ringing, you immediately know by the ring tone that its liam.

"(Y/S/N) can you please get that?"

you ask her still not removing your gaze from Harry's...

He blinks

"don't worry" your sister thumps back down as you walk out to the garden to take the call.

"hey liam , how are you?" you ask

"yeah I'm fine love, hows the family?"

"they are fine" you reply

"what about with harry?"

"they are fine with him to"

suddenly he becomes serious "good, listen what ever you do today try not to get noticed by anyone"

you nod then rember he can't see you "okay"

"sweet, have a see you soon" the line goes dead, you walk round the garden the.grass damp under foot you make your way to your old secret hide-out you made when you where about 5, the remains of the once green and bounce bush now a dying brown wreck. you sigh and head back through to your family. as you walk in Harry was talking about the old X-factor video diaries.

"And then he ripped open his shirt and screamed superman" Harry says through fits of laughter.

you re-take your seat opposite Harry who winks at you

"so guys,what's your plan for today?" your mother asks

"Erm... well I told Harry he could choose where we go today

all eyes turn to Harry

"its a surprise" he says pulling an imaginary zip across his lips.

rolling your eyes you collect up all the plates and take then through to the kitchen and start to way them up.

you hear harry dismissing himself and waking through to the kitchen he helps to to clean them up and put it all away

"there all done" he says hugging you from behind "go get babe"

"okay where are we going haz?"

"surprise" he winks at you

"you know I hate surprises!" you wine giving him puppy dog eyes,you already knew from listening in to his and Liams converation earlier.

"I know"

groaning you walk upstairs and sit on the bed deciding on what to wear...


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