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"Oh right, I want you to drive me to- you know what, I'll drive" Ross said opening his door and walking around the front of my car, he grabbed my arm, gently this time, and pulled me out of the drivers seat. what would happen if I ran? I thought to myself or if I just hid behind the tree in the woods next to where my car was stopped. I would probably get beaten or killed. I slowly walked around the front of the car with the headlights shinning in my face. I opened the passenger door and plopped down. "buckle up" Ross said putting the car in drive and did a U turn. "Laura buckle" he said turning his head to look at me. I grabbed my seat beat pulled it across my chest and clicked it in. I gave Ross a 'here is this better' look.

"where are we going?" I asked he didn't answer. I looked back at Riker. he looked at me then looked out the window. this is not good at all. I'm in a car with a strange mysterious-like boy who I just met yesterday and his odd brother going to hell knows where. I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack.

my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone then looked at Ross, his eyes were glued to the road. so I picked up my phone, it was April.
*phone convo*
(A-April, L-Laura)
A- where are you?!
L- I'm okay don't worry.
A- but where are you?
*Ross looked over at me*
L- I'm at home sick.
A- awe I'm sorry Laur, how sick?
L- well not really sick it's just.. that time of the month and I didn't feel like leaving the house, why?
A- Me and Tanner (tanner is her bf) were wondering if you wanted to go out to eat then to the movies, since it's Friday.
L- sounds like fun! I'll go, as long as I'm not third wheeling.
A- you won't be, if you want you can invite one of your friends or your sister or something.
L- okay, bye April see ya later
A- bye!
*Hangs up phone*
it's nice to have a friend like her, she's always caring. April even invited me out on a date with her boyfriend.

just then the car stopped. I looked at the brick building, a bar? Riker got out of the back seat and stood against the car waiting for me and Ross to get out. "really, a bar? at" I checked my phone "7:50am?"

"why not?" he smirked looking at me. "plus this isn't just any bar. it's a special one."

I cocked an eyebrow. what is he talking about? next thing I knew he was opening my door. "woah, wait- how?... what? you were just in the car 3 seconds ago." Im so confused

"just common in." he took my elbow and led me out of the car. "and if you need a date for tonight you can always invite me." he grinned. I just looked at him with a blank face.

as we walked into the bar Ross was on one side of me and Riker was on the other, I don't know if I was supposed to feel safe or really scared.

I don't want to drink, I never have in my life. I'm the goodie-goodie in the school, never had a boyfriend, never drank, always listens to her parents. yep that's me.

we walked through the front doors, Riker instantly saw one of his friends and gave him a 'bro' hug as Ross took me too the counter. this bar is kinda smaller than most bars but it was full, there was so much talking, the music was playing and it was dark, there wasn't much light. I kept thinking to myself all of these people are here drinking and partying at 8 in the morning.

I looked at Ross and he held up two fingers to the bar tender. "I hope your getting me a Shirley Temple, because whatever you just ordered I'm not going to drink."

"live a little" he joked, as the bar tender placed the two shot glasses in front of us. I looked down at mine. then I looked at Ross, he grinned with his perfect white teeth and then shot his glass. I lifted mine up to my nose and smelt it.

"nope no way" I said putting the glass down. Ross looked at me then bursted out laughing. I glared at him. "here" I pushed my glass towards him.

"no way sweetness." he pushed it back towards me "that's for you"

Riker walked up to the both of us and put his hands on both of Riker's shoulders. "so how many has the lady had?" he said in kind of a yelling voice because the music was so loud.

"none" Ross said in an annoyed tone. I swear Ross is one of the only people I've ever given dirty looks to in my life.

"awwww babe, come on, it's just one glass." oh great now Riker is calling me names now.

"I'm sorry but no, I'm not putting that toxic in my body."

"well then I'm sorry Laur, your not leaving until you do." Ross devilishly said cocking his head. 

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