My Life's Drama

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OK I decided to write this story because it seemed like a good idea in my head so take it easy on me will you! Check out the song at the side to me it suits the whole first day of school thing for me.  Why should you care, enjoy school while it last because your gonna miss it in the end when you leave. Song is I love it but Icona Pop.   Much love T.C. out! :)

"Olivia are you excited for the first day of your new school?" Stacey asked from the seat next to me as she pulled up in front of Richman High School as the sign read.

I rolled my eyes in disgust and continued to stare out the window. "Olivia!" she said sternly.

I slowly turned my head "Yes Stacey." I replied slowly. She sighed "Are you excited for the first day of school?" 

"Oh I don't know, should I be and could you for once call me by my first name?" I asked annoyed more than ever. I mean come on I was given a first name for a reason you know, to be freaking called by it! If your wondering my  name is it's Samantha Johnson.

She  give me a livid look, "Olivia I will not tolerate this unacceptable behavior from you it is uncivil and fatuous." Leave it this woman to pull out the big words on me. She really needed a normal life if you ask me,  half the words she says I never heard in all my high school life.

I sighed "Please just stop, this is my first day of school and I want it to go good for once." I said yelling at her not realizing I did.

"I'm sorry, I just.I'm sorry." she sighed and  slouched back into her seat. Finally a flaw about her, she actually slouched for the first time that I've met her.

"Thank you, now can I go?" I asked desperately, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.

"Yeah sure, enjoy your day. Don't forget to behave yourself and don't give the teachers any rudness, you know how you get when your pissed off ." I picked up my bag and got out of the car not wanting to hear her lecture of how I should be in school. What was I six? I knew this stuff already.

"I love you." she shouted out of the car as she whine down the window.

I turned on my heel and sighed "Yeah, yeah  Stacey." I said before I quickly spun back around. If your wondering who is Stacey, she's my step mother. I don't know why but I could never call her mom to her face although I basically say it in my head. The words would taste bitter in my mouth when I tried to say it out loud. Anyways back to more important matters like the first day of school.

This is my fifth time switching schools and its starting to get old fashion. You thing I would get used to it and go along with the flow but in general it annoyed the shit out of me. All thanks goes out to Stacey and her job. She works for some stupid company that drags her all over the place. I don't know what for, I never asked and she never told. I guess it's some kind of sales company or something like that.

As you may have notice Stacey and I don't get along sometimes but hey I had to deal with it since my dad practical married the woman before you can say Nicki Minaj's ass is fake. I guess underneath all the suits and fancy cars she was actually a decent lady for my dad to marry her but on the other hand my dad did suck at choosing the "right woman". 

 I walked to the old fashion looking building: it was chestnut brown, made of bricks, the windows where all the same color brown and a big door with  the words 'Richman Highschool ' on it. I wondered if this would be finally it, because honestly I'm sick of switching schools. To be honest  if I had to move again I would seriously kick my dad and Stacey where the sun don't shine. I don't care if it got me grounded or whatever I just wanted to have a normal life from now on. I wanted to settle into this place and once I did, I wasn't planning on moving again. I closed my eyes and sucked in the much to my annoyance the polluted air around me. I just realized I stopped half way to the school's door.  "Please let this be it." I whispered to myself

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