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Samantha Jane James

Age: 21

Family: Zac brother MIA, Jack dad decided, Jane mother retired military

Description: medium dark brown hair, big dark brown eyes medium, hight 5'6", weight 145 pounds.

Personality: kind, friendly ,strong and extremely brave. If she were a boy she would be the perfect candidate for the navy.

Profession: just graduated form the naval academe.

Nicknames: Sam, James, SJ

Nationality: Australian


CAPTAIN (commanding officer) Dan Crows (CO) lieutenant commander

EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Bill Tar (Tar, X, XO.) lieutenant

BUFFER: Eric Wills (willy) Petty Officer

CHEF: Charlie Richards (Rich) leading seaman

EGINER: Roger Bane (Bane) Petty Officer

MEDICAL: George Taner (swain) Petty Officer

NAVIGATOR: Nick Nicano (Nicano, Nav)

ELECTRION: Derek Hamilton (Ham) leading seaman

COMUNTCATIONS: Robert Ranes (Ranes) leading seaman 


Just so all the readers know and are not confused. In this book it is actually based in the future but the world has decided that the past like 1800's past is better so the are starting to take away women's rights. So women are still aloud to work but some men feel they shouldn't and some characters are rather rude to women when they work. So if u are confused just ask. :)

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