Nothing but requests

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Sam’s P.O.V

It’ been three days since I’ve arrived and it’s been pretty calm, but today is different I don’t know what it is but it… it just feels different. It’s about midday when the P.A. system sounds “hands to boarding stations. Hands to boarding stations.” Nav said. The C.O. and I watched through binoculars’. After a few minutes the C.O gives the orders “bring them aboard and pick two people for the steaming party.” As I heard him give the orders I thought this is my chance to finally do something important, this is it “C.O. Crows may I be a part of the steaming party?” “I suppose. Sure why not” he said that last part with a smile. Just then Tar was on the radio. “Ah sir Nicano is requesting to be on the steaming, and Willy has offered to cover for him as navigator.” Tar informed the C.O “very well and James will be the other.” The C.O responded. “Ah sir do you think she’s ready?” Tar questioned “yes Tar I do” the C.O confirmed. I was so excited to have a chance to be on the steaming party until I got on the boat then I finally clued in to I would be spending almost 2 day with Nicano ALONE. And to make it worse I now remember I told my mom I wouldn’t be leaving the ship much. Well what she doesn’t know won’t kill her right? But being with Nicano for two days might just kill me.

~On the boat~  

“Now remember I’m your commanding officer until we get back. And there is no Willy to stand up for you.”Nicano said whit a smirk. This is my only chance to stand up for myself, I have to do or these two days will be just like hell. And he might never treat me different ok I’m ready. “You may be my commanding officer but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to respect me. And frankly I don’t care if you do or don’t but you will show me just as much respect as you would to any other member of our crew mates.” I retorted Nicano stood silent for a moment. “Ah… ah… go down below… and make us something to eat” he uttered before turning to face the sea. I just simply nodded before leaving the deck.

As I made dinner I started to think of the last time I cooked for just two on a boat.                                        

***Flash Back***

My brother had shore leave for two days so he took me out sailing. It was dinner time and I was making pasta because it was Zac’s favorite “Zac!” I called “yes SJ” he called back SJ it’s what he always called me and only he called by SJ. “It’s ready” I said “ok” he replied as he walked down the stairs. We were now at the table and he was telling me about some of his crew members “Oh and there’s Nick you would like him. Haha Nick oh he is my best bud I tell him all about our adventures at sea he always say he wants to meet you. I think you two would get along just fine.” He said ‘you two would get along just fine’ is him saying he approves of this guy he’s your age and you two should date. He was forever trying to set me up with army guys that constantly served so that we would always be a part.

***End Of Flash Back***

That was the last time I saw my brother and now I don’t know if I will ever see him again. A few minutes later I was finished making dinner, I made pasta the same as I did my last day with my brother. So I called Nicano “Nicano dinner is ready” I said I readied two plates and sat them on the table then sat down and started to eat. I had just seated myself when he came down he sat across from me where I had put his plate. We ate in silence and it was very awkward. Then I looked up from my plate and noticed that he was done “either you’re starving or my food taste better than you like me” I said at first his face seemed to show embarrassment but then quickly changed to an angry expression “Are you kidding me it was horrible” he retorted “Yeah sure it was” I said with sarcasm. “I’m a true navy member I eat whatever is giving to me because I don’t know when the next time I’ll eat or the next time I’ll have a decent meal so I rather suffer then starve.” He said with anger dripping from his voice. Then we were silent. “I don’t hate you.” He mumbled “what” I questioned in disbelief “nothing!” he snapped. “No. No I heard what you said I just don’t believe you with the way you treat me” I explained. “Sorry” he mumbled while lowering his head “it’s ok I… I expected it form the whole crew not just you. I just don’t understand why it’s so bad that I’m a woman?” I contemplated. “YOU’RE JUST A GIRL!” Nicano shouted “ah excuse me I am 21, I am no longer just a girl. I AM A WOMAN. NICANO A WOMAN” I exclaimed. Nicano was silent for a moment then he started to mumble but I couldn’t hear him “what was that” I asked. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that” he said still quite “than what did you mean” I questioned “I meant you’re a female in general you shouldn’t have to put your life on the line… men have always fallen for women yet they don’t protect them nor do the respect them” he started “well they do but doing so women are no longer happy. Mothers and fathers shouldn’t have to see their baby girls in caskets with their country flag draped across them.” He finished with tears in his eyes “nor do brothers” he added in a barley audio able tone. I looked up at him and noticed that a single tear trickled I think I was starting to understand him so I decided to ask “did you have a sister that served?” I asked him afraid he would be mad. Maybe this was the personal story Willy was talking about. He took a minute to answer “I did… I lost her along with my best friend… 12 days ago.” He finally said with tears now running down his face, and not just him tears poured from my eyes as well. For only 12 days have passed since my brother went missing. “I guess my family and I are lucky at least luckier than his we found her body… 12 days and…” I cut him off “STOP! Please stop. I know. OK! I know. 12 days have passed since they found his partner… your sister! Yet they haven’t found Zac.”I said now crying. I looked up from the table tears still trickled down his face but his expression was shocked confused. Then he started to speak “h-how… do …y-you……. SJ” he said through his tears and confusion. SJ only my brother called me that. Hearing it made me miss him more and cry harder. I didn’t say anything else I just looked at the table. I was surprised when Nicano stood and sat beside me. What happened next you would only expected a brother or father to do to his sister or daughter, maybe even a husband to his wife but not in a million years would you except Nicano do to me. He hugged me. 

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