The Land Of Fairy Tales

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Ella POV.

I woke up, in some sort of hammock, looking at what seemed to be a roof made of straw. I sit up and look around, I'm in a small room that is covered with small chests, wooden boxes and a few mirrors. I get up and look into one of the mirrors, I see that my thick brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and I'm wearing a dress made of pieces of cloth.

I'm about to walk out the door when someone burst in. It was a young girl with orangish hair, beep blue eyes, tan skin and a slim body. She was wearing the same thing as I was it was just a little dirtier.
She looked at me and smiled.

"Thank god you're awake."

"Uhh, yeah. Where am I?"

"You're at my farm."

"Yeah, but I mean where?"

"Oh, you're in my land, Terra-Nervos, but we call it The land of Forever After."

"Wait you mean I'm not in Arizona anymore?"

"Nope. You see when you opened that book you opened to portal to our world. I've been waiting for you."

"You were expecting me?"

"Yeah it's my job. Every time someone opens that book I gotta be there to help them get used to their new environment."


I thought for a second... Oh my god! Where's Max?!
"Did pick up anyone else near me?"

"More than one of you came through the portal?"

"I'll take that as a no..."

Oh my god! My sister is missing! I have to find her! What if she's hurt!
I start for the door when the girl grabs my shoulder.

"You'll find her, I promise. Right now you need your rest, I'll bring you to Neverland tomorrow. We'll get the magic you need to contact the other person."


"You know her? She turned good I promise!"

"What the- how..."

"Well she spent some time with Red, aurora and the queen."

"Woah, woah, woah! You're saying that little red riding hood, sleeping beauty, and the evil queen are all real?"

"Well yeah. This is the land of fairy tales."

"Then who are you?"

"I'm Tess the one and only daughter of Cinderella."

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