His Favourite Thing About You

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Dean - Your smile. He loves being able to make you happy, and he'll try however he can to put a smile on your beautiful face.

Dayl - Your dancing. Dayl loves to dance and took dance lessons as a child, so he loves being able to dance with you whenever he feels like it. He's happy to dance however you'd like, whether it's just fooling around or slow dancing together.

Ryan - Your eyes. The first thing Ryan noticed about you was your big, gorgeous eyes. He fell for them straight away and there was no way he could go back now. All you had to do was look at him, and he was reminded of how beautiful they were.

Cian - Your personality. Cian loved that the two of you were a little similar with personality - you liked similar things, and the two of you were really laidback, but, he also loved that you were a little more persistent than he was, so when he was needing a bit of a kick up the bum with things, you were usually the one to do it. He didn't mind though, he liked that you were able to balance one another out in terms of personality.

Brendan - Your laugh. Brendan loved hearing your laugh, he thought it was adorable, and he'd do whatever he could to make you giggle. He loved being able to have you go from sad and upset to a fit of laughter in no time.

Josh - Your singing. You didn't think you were a very good singer, but Josh swore you had a beautiful voice, and wanted to hear you sing more often. He knew you were shy so he didn't push it, but he loved to sing with you, and he was hoping that one day you'd be able to build up the confidence to sing in public with him.

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