Chapter 1: Pitch Black

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Before you get into the story...I just want to introduce myself! My name's Emma and this is my second book I'll be posting to Wattpad! My first book is a zombie apocalypse thriller entitled Viral, so you can check that out! I haven't updated it in quite awhile but I hope to return to it soon! But you're here for Absent Alice so let me talk about that. This book is one I wrote for Nanowrimo, where you try to write a first draft of a novel in a month! I'm proud to say that I did, and that draft is Absent Alice! I have the complete novel written so I'll be posting the chapters periodically. The thing is though, each chapter needs enough views and votes before I'll upload the next part, so please read and don't forget to vote! Without further ado, here's Absent Alice! 

The thumping bass of the heavy rap music vibrates through my veins as I dance under the swirling colors of the cheap party lights. Mike dug them out of his dusty basement just like he always does when his parents are out of town. Courtney dances next to me, her bead covered wrists bumping into my upper arm every time she swings her hips, and her blonde mass of hair tickles my back.

"Honestly Jayce you need to loosen up!" She laughs, throwing her head back. "We've been here an hour and you're still being a buzzkill!"

I roll my eyes, because I know she's right. I've been working on the last two chapters of my book for a month, and the document still remains blank on my computer screen. Just thinking about it now is enough to make me start nervously chewing on my lip. "I know, I know I'm sorry." I loop my arm through hers and lead her towards the kitchen. "Let's get a drink."

Courtney's giggle is already intoxicated but she doesn't object.

I reach into the cooler, the ice stinging my skin. I hand Courteney an unopened beer before grabbing one for myself. "Thanks girl." She pats my head with her hot pink nails.

I pop open the top and take a swig, trying to push back the plot lines tangling themselves in my head. "Let's go dance Court!"

She winks and takes me by the hand. "Now we're talkin'!"

I'm careful to pace myself as I drink, I'm the designated driver for the evening and have no desire to end up in a ditch on the side of the road. Courteney though is as carefree as ever making me fear for her liver and her judgement. I make sure to keep a close eye on her. I'm not much of a drinker and rarely ever participate, but this is a special occasion, the last party of the summer.

From across the dancefloor packed with sweaty bodies and empty beer cans, I can see my sister Alice dancing with her boyfriend Ethan. Her shimmering chocolate hair swings lazily over her shoulder as Ethan's hands rub across her waist. Their noses are brushing against each other, the light bouncing off of her diamond stud as she glides effortlessly to the music. Her hazel eyes drift over the crowd until they land on me. Her expression mellows and she gives me a reassuring wink before she turns her attention back to Ethan.

She's mad about this boy, and I mean completely, irreversibly in love. This boy opens doors for her, this boy rests his hand on her knee while he drives, this boy dresses in a suit when he takes her out to dinner. This boy is from wealth, this boy is a gentleman.

She met him over the summer while our family was vacationing in Florida. He came up to Ohio to stay with her for the last month of summer. Tomorrow he heads back to the sunshine and his college, so they're making the most out of every minute.

"He's so gorgeous, how does Alice do it?" Courtney follows my stare to the tall boy with the crooked smile and sun kissed skin. "Seriously, she needs to teach me her ways."

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