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Adien- mommy! Daddy! Help!
Jim- bud what happened.
Melinda- baby what happened? What was that crashing noise?
Adien- I we just reading in the floor and my bookshelf fell over almost on top of me.
Melinda- well are you okay?
Adien- yeah I'm okay just scared. Can I sleep with you and dad tonight?
Melinda- sure babes go get in the bed. Me and daddy will be there in a second.
Jim- I'll go tuck him in.
Melinda- okay I'll be there in a sec. I have something to take care of first.
Melinda- Nick what the hell was that?
Ghost- I told you to stay away from my dad and you didn't listen.
Melinda- don't you dare try to hurt my son!
Ghost- why try when I know I can (vanishes)
The next day
Delia- he tried what!?
Melinda- he tried knocking his bookshelf over on top of adien
Delia- Wow he really must hate you.
Melinda- all because I went and talked to his dad.
Ghost- hey I need to talk to you.
Melinda- okay hold what
Ghost- I think I remember everything now
Melinda- okay go on.
Ghost- me and my dad decided to go hiking one day, it had rained the following day so it was slippery I was walking out of my daddy even though he told me to stay with him. there was a big rock when I stepped on it I slipped and fell my dad try to catch me but he just couldn't hold on I know it's not as fun anymore he tried his hardest to save me I want to forgive him now please will you help me?
Melinda- of course I'll help you.
Melinda- Travis Nick wants to go into the light now.
Travis- no he can't leave me I need him!
Ghost- tell him that I'm sorry for blaming him all these years.
Melinda- he said he was sorry for blaming you all this time
Ghost- I can see it! I can see the light! Look Melinda it's so beautiful! Can you see it?
Melinda- no that's all for you buddy.
Travis- tell him to wait for me.
Melinda- he can hear you.
Ghost- tell him I love him and I'll see him again one day.
Melinda- I will.
Travis- Well is he still here?
Melinda- no he's gone. He crossed over.
Later that night
Melinda- guys I'm home!
Adien- mommy!
Melinda- hey how's my handsome boy
Adien- I'm good! How was your day?
Melinda- it was exhausting! How about we give you a bath and we head to bed?
Adien- sounds good to me mommy!
Jim- sounds good to me too.
The End....or is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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