Chapter Three

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     (Dan's POV)
  "So where are you from?" As I asked the question, I noticed (y/n)'s face turn a different color, but I didn't think much of it. Then, right before my eyes, (y/n) collapsed to the hard, cold ground. "(Y/n)!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Before I knew it, I had her body in my arms. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911 as fast as I could. I know I just met her, but I already have strong feelings towards her. I mean, who wouldn't? She has beautiful (e/c), amazing (h/l) (h/c), I couldn't help myself from developing a crush on her. I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend...
  Once the ambulance came to pick up (y/n), they took her to the hospital and I followed them. When I got inside the hospital, I went immediately to the room she was in. I was wondering why she had fallen after the question I had asked, but I didn't want to cause any more problems so I just asked the doctors if she was alright. They said everything was fine, she just had a slight concussion and a few scratches here and there. Thank God she's okay.. "Hey, Dan!" Her voice was so soft when she spoke. It's beautiful, just like her. "Hi! How are you feeling?" "I'm fine thanks. The doctors said I could leave after they check a few things and then I'll be on my way home." Home. Hearing that word kind of pierced my heart. Without even thinking, being the twat that I am, I said, "Oh, you can come over to my flat and meet Phil!" Oh my god what have I done. She probably thinks I'm fucking crazy. After asking such an odd question, she giggled and answered, "If you don't mind, then I would love to!"
  During the car ride, (y/n) played her music and oh my does she listen to good music. We laughed and sang our hearts out to every song. It was amazing. When the last song finished playing, we pulled up to my flat. I helped her get out of the car and I walked her towards the flat when she stopped me. "Phil won't mind.. Will he?" She seemed real nervous when she asked me the question. "Oh, not at all! He'll love you, just like-" I stopped myself mid sentence, realizing what I was about to say. I was about to tell her that I love her. She giggled and asked, "Just like what?" I felt my face turn red and I looked down and just laughed and said, "You'll find out soon enough." To be honest, I was probably way more confused with that sentence then (y/n) was. She smiled this beautiful smile, and we walked inside the flat.
  "PHHHIIILLLLL!!!!" I screamed as we walked through the doors. "Dan, be quiet! I'm trying to concentrate." Phil was obviously playing Mario Kart. That's the only game he ever plays really. "Well I have a special person I would like to introduce you to!" I'M COMING I'M COMING I'M COMING!" (Y/n) laughed and walked towards the living room area where she collided with Phil. "Oh my god, Phil, you're gonna scare her away!!" I bent over to help pick her up, and her and Phil just laughed until they cried. "I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz. Anyways, I'm Phil! Nice to meet you." "(Y/n). I'm a huge fan of yours!" I was starting to get a little jealous of how Phil could carry on a conversation better than I could, but I didn't want it to show so I told them both I was gonna go do laundry. We all probably knew that a was lie because who the hell does laundry?
     (Phil's POV)
  My first thought of seeing our guest, (y/n), was that she was absolutely stunning. Everything about her took my breath away. After staring at her awkwardly and finishing up our conversation I asked her if she wanted to stay for dinner. "Yeah of course! You guys are literally the nicest people ever. Well, I knew that before we met, but still." Her giggle was so cute I couldn't help but laugh and smile at her. When Dan was done doing the laundry, (who the heck does laundry?), he walked outside and I told him I had invited (y/n) over for dinner. Of course he was perfectly fine with it and by then it was already time to start making our dinner, which was pasta and such. "I'm gonna call my parents real quick, I'll be right back!" (y/n) stated while walking out of the room. That's when Dan jumped over to me, almost knocking me down. "We need to talk."

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