Chapter Eight

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(Y/n's POV)
   I had no idea what to do. I tried running out of the room, but my body was frozen in the moment. The silence was broken when the man standing before me spoke. "Sorry for intruding this early, but can I have a word with you for a moment?" The strange man looked directly at me, not breaking eye contact. I opened my mouth to speak but I choked on the words. Before I knew it, he was walking towards me and took my hand, guiding me out of the flat.
   The door shut behind me and the man, whose name I still didn't know, looked me up and down. "(Y/n)?"
I felt the color drain from my face. "H-how do y-you know my name?" I kept stuttering out of pure fear. "We used to go to the same school back in America... Do you not remember who I am?"
I closed my eyes, trying desperately to recall any memory I had of this man. However, every time I tried to picture him, I kept going back to the dream I had last night. It couldn't have been him right?
   "No... I'm sorry. Can I ask what your name is?" His face turned a light pink as he began to blush. "Oh, gosh. I apologize for not introducing myself. The names Tyler." Tyler... Tyler?
   "Wait... Were you friends with my, uh..." I haven't mentioned my boyfriend's name in so long. Well, ex boyfriend that is... Tyler let out a soft chuckle as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah... We only talked a couple times. Spencer had always told me to keep my distance from you beca-" "-I really don't want to talk about him."
   I didn't mean to be such a bitch but Spencer had always been such a touchy subject for me that I couldn't help myself. I saw Tyler's head drop to the floor and he directed his hands towards his pockets. "Of course. My bad..."
   There was an awkward silence until Dan walked outside. "Hey, Dan. This is Tyler. He and I used to go to the same school which explains my reaction when I first saw him." After saying that sentence I wondered if Dan could see through all the bullshit.
   "Oh, of course yeah." There was unease in Dan's voice as he spoke. I wondering what was wrong.
   "Well, uh, I'm gonna get going.. It was great seeing you, (y/n)." Tyler then pulled one hand out of his pocket and handed you a piece of paper. "See you guys later." He waved goodbye and walked towards the stairs.
   "What does it say?" I jerked my head towards Dan and chuckled. "Well, if you would let me read it without attacking me maybe you would know by now." Dan let out a soft giggle but I knew deep down inside he was worried about me.
   "We need to talk. Meet me at the coffee shop at 8:00pm. -Tyler"
   I shoved the paper in my pocket and looked up at Dan. "He wants to meet me at the coffee shop later on tonight." I saw the hurt in his eyes, but I'm not too sure why.
   "Well it's noon right now so do you think you and I could possibly-"
   I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. "Can I take this call real quick?" Dan let out a small sigh and nodded his head.
   That's when I looked down towards my phone and saw who was calling.

A/n: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... Guess who's finally back after twenty thousand years!! I'm so sorry for not posting but I just got caught up in school and sports and stuff so I'm really sorry! Hope you guys still love me.💛

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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