Chapter 1

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*Krystal's P.O.V*

   I don't know how I would feel if I didn't have my sister or Amanda in my life. My parents of course were people with a plan for everything, they knew how to have fun but they liked it when everything was in place. That being said they made sure my sister and I would be set, they left the house AND the company to Starling, but only when she was of legal age. As soon as Starling turned 18 which was two weeks ago she got the house and the company. Not only that but she got out the adoption home and it feels weird without her here, I feel alone and a little out of place.

  I wasn't really one to make new friends and I was pretty awkward. Here I was known as the clumsy girl that never really talked unless I needed to or someone insulted me. I was the tomboy who was always seen with headphones.  I didn't mind though, I loved music. Especially dubstep and post-core, and I loved making it too. I guess it ran in the family, my dad was great at making and producing music, my mom was a great singer and knew how to edit songs so that they sounded perfect, Starling is great at writing songs and singing, and I'm pretty good at making music and mashups.

  I also really liked to dance and skateboard, but that's besides the point. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was an outcast at this place and I didn't mind it one bit, because every time I stepped foot out of this place I was a different person. I'm loud, bubbly, and talk a lot, but I'm usually like that around people I've known for a long time or I'm comfortable with.

  I sighed and made my way out of my room after getting dressed and head down the hall and stairs to the dinning rooms where we all eat, I quickly grab something small and sat down at an empty table. I put on my headphones and played 'Give Me Novocain' By Greenday, not long afterwards a hand touched my shoulder. I jump and turn around, still silent and take off my headphones, I let of a soft sigh as I realized that it's just Lilianah or Lillie as she prefers.

 ''How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?''  I asked her with a playful glare.  She just giggles and walks around the table to sit across from me. That's the great thing about Lilianah, she's a carefree, little seven year old with beautiful ginger hair and gorgeous green eyes and a hyper personality. She was the only one who tries to talk to me and at first I just kept quiet, but she didn't give up. For a seven year old she was very forward, she was sassy too and was not afraid to show it.  She was my only friend here and I didn't mind that, and from the looks of it neither did she.

  '' As many times until I get bored of doing it, now how is your day so far?'' She asked with a smile, that's another thing about her. She changes subjects a lot, it gets annoying sometimes, but it doesn't really bother me that much. The thing about Lilianah is that she has been in adoption homes her whole life, ever since she was 2 weeks old she has been moving to and from adoption homes until she settled down here. I've been in this place for three years and I hate it, I can't imagine what it's like for her. ''Hello! Earth to Krystal!'' I blinked quickly as her hand waved in my face, I lightly pushed her it away and saw here looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

  ''Sorry I spaced out, what was your question again?'' I asked.

  ''I asked how your day is so far.''

  ''Oh. It's okay, what about yours?''

''It's peachy, oh my god I had the weirdest dream ever! okay so-'' I just watched as her eye's lit up as she told her story with excitement and how she moved her hands around as she talked and deepened or made her voice go higher for certain parts. It was funny how into the story she was and how she seemed to have such a weird dream, but hey we all have those nights where are brain decides to humor us with a silly dream. '' And then I woke up because Jeremy and Alex don't know how to shut up.''

  I laughed as she finished  because it was true, Jeremy and Alex were early risers which meant they were really loud in the morning. Unless you're  a heavy sleeper then you are up and can't go back to sleep, I usually put my headphones on and play music to block them out as I go back to sleep. But they never shut up, they were always bickering over something and if they weren't it was a miracle. Jeremy and Alex were brothers, twin boys who are 16 years of age. They had been here for 5 years and were comfortable, a little to comfortable if you ask me.

''Hey Kris?'' Lilianah said, getting my attention with a nickname she had decided to use, I hum in response and she smile's at me. But it wasn't any smile, it was the smile that she gave to people before she asked them for something.

 ''What do you want?'' I asked with an eyebrow raised.

''Can you do my hair?'' She gave me a sweet smile with begging eyes, I sighed. She asked me this often and I had nothing else to do today since Starling was busy setting up the company and settling in and Amanda is hanging out with her boyfriend Jason today, so I nodded and her smile grew.  I stood up and nodded my head to the exit as to tell her 'come on' and she quickly got up and followed me to my room, when we got there (after the quick stop to her room) she immediately went to my bed, climbed the short ladder and sat down.

  My bed was a normal bunk bed and I had the top bunk, there were two bunk beds in the room along with four dressers. One for each person and a full  length mirror on the wall, each girl got their own little wall to put whatever they wanted on it on it. On mine I have posters of bands I like, family photo's or other posters. One of them say's 'Keep calm and love dubstep' and the girls that I share the room with don't really like my wall, because they're either sports fans, girly girls or are in love with Justin Bieber and don't like my so called 'emo' bands. They never say anything, which I'm thankful for, but I can see the way they look at me and my side of the room.

''Krystal!'' I looked up at my bunk to see Lilianah looking down at me with a small frown. '' Are you okay? You keep spacing out today.'' She gave me a concerned look and I just shook my head.

''I'm fine. Now come on! Let's do your hair.''

 Truth be told, I don't know if I am fine though, I tell myself that I am but feel myself growing weary. I've been feeling this way ever since Starling left, I guess I just miss her. She gets to live in our old house, gets to now run our parents company and here I am, still stuck in this orphan house. I begged her to take me with her, I cried and cried for her to take me away but they wouldn't let her take me.

  Since she just turned 18 and is considered a "new" adult they wouldn't let her take me. There is so much paper work involved and they said they don't know if she is responsible enough to take care of a 14 year old, they think since her appearance and the company my parents owned she would let me get into trouble or that I would become a groupie.  She'd never let that happen, I tried to tell them that, and even since we were little and our parents would travel sometimes she was always the one taking care of me, but still they said that that was not enough to get custody over me.

  Starling of course was pissed about that but she didn't argue with them, instead they came to an agreement, they would send someone over once a month to monitor her and how she behaves, and to see if she is stable with the company until they see her fit to take care of a minor.

"There all done." I smile at her hair, which is now braided into a lovely fish braid.

"Thank you!" She squeals


 And here it is, Chapter 1! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it, please vote and comment.

~ Ellie <3

Goals: 5 votes and 4 comments

Song of the day: Give me Novocain- Greenday 

word count: 1551

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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