Chapter One: Love (or not) Interrupted

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A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to a new story I've started a while ago. It's still very much a work in progress but I felt that I understood enough about these characters to be certain that I wanted to share them with you. This is going to be a little different from what you've seen from me so far. This is in the New Adult genre which I'm a big fan of. I'm hoping to post weekly and I hope you all stay with me as we start this new love story. Happy reading!


I was told that college is going to be a time in my life when I lose a lot of things I've held on to for years.

I was going to lose the rose-colored glasses, if I wore any to begin with, my dislike of alcohol and loud, drunken parties, and definitely my virginity.

No one said I was going to lose my fucking mind.

But that was what I was struggling to hold on to when I walked into my dorm room and found a large male body—stripped down to a pair of jeans that were precariously hanging on to a perfectly curved ass—drilling for gold in my roommate who was spread-eagled on a bed. My bed.

I was no naive child.

Sex didn't offend me—people did.

I didn't make my own mountains to move to get away from one crude life and jump into another.

I've been extraordinarily patient these past couple months, telling myself it was all part of the new me, but while I was ambitious, I was far from delusional.

"I'm going to forgive the fact that this is the third time this week that I've come home to an amateur porn movie," I said in a seething but controlled voice as I dropped my messenger bag on the floor and walked over to the gyrating bodies, trying to find my roommate's head in the tangle of limbs. "But I'm not going to forgive the fact that it's my goddamned bed you're desecrating! Get off it!"

Kendra's head surfaced from under the guy's muscular chest, her red and black-striped blonde hair plastered across her face. "Come back in a minute, Star!"

"In a minute?" I demanded incredulously. "You think I'm just going to calmly step out of the room so you can finish contaminating my bed? Did you bang your head in the wall, Kendra, or is nothing working inside it at all?"

When she answered me with a gusty moan confirming that yes, she was mindless with sexual rapture to even pay me any attention, I absolutely lost it.

I haven't been feeling well all day, my head pounding and my stomach swirling uncomfortably. I've also already endured nearly two months of Kendra's sexcapades. I couldn't find any charitable feeling in me to step aside and let rabbits be rabbits.

I turned to the guy, caught off guard when I found that his mossy green eyes weren't rolled back in his head as he continued to pump into Kendra. He was watching me in amusement instead. I smacked him in the head hard.

He was hunched forward that his head was the same height as mine and I thought I had a pretty good swing but his head barely tipped to one side. Only his grimace indicated he felt anything.

"Hey! You! Take your carrot out of her, Casanova, because she and I need to have a serious discussion right this second," I barked at him, trying not to get distracted by his disheveled mop of a hair and the way the light seemed to catch streaks of gold in it when it was supposed to be a dark, nondescript brown.

His mouth curled up in one corner in a smile that amazingly softened what would normally be sharp features on his too strong, too masculine a face. "Um, we're not quite done yet, sweetheart."

"Oh, I'm sorry but do you think I care?" I snapped, smacking him on a sweaty shoulder which made me wince and wipe my hand on my jeans. "Run while it's still attached to you or I'm going to break it off and cram it down your throat."

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