Chapter Three: Strangers Dangers

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A/N: Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well! I'm doing great except that the run up to the holidays is keeping me quite busy but in a good way. Hope to catch up on more writing during the short break I'm gonna get.

Anyway, here's the next chapter. If anyone's noticed, Star is not like most of my female characters. She's definitely not in the same saint category as the rest. She's a challenging personality to write and while this story is very much a romance, a lot of it will be about her growth. Hope you enjoy!

By the way, the email format is hard to replicate here so it might look a bit odd with a break between each line. Did my best anyway.

Don't forget to vote and comment!


The first email came late in the morning the next day.

To: Star Matthews <>

From: W. W. <>

Subject: Room Ad

I have a free loft bedroom. You can have it as long as you let me sleep in on the weekends.

To: W. W. <>

From: Star Matthews <>

Subject: Re: Room Ad

How much? And how many roommates in total? Celibate ones, hopefully. I'm trying to get away from a sex-starved roommate until I can get switched.

Not sure why I went with instinct and explained my situation bluntly but I didn't want to spend time and energy beating around the bush. All I could afford was a quick, efficient process of elimination.

To: Star Matthews <>

From: W. W. <>

Subject: Re: Room Ad

Free. And it's just me. Last roommate moved out six months ago to live with his GF. I'm not sex-starved. I never go hungry.

My brows rose at that, a red flag waving in my head instantly. Still, I replied, telling myself it might not cost me any money and I'd lived with worse. Besides, if we had separate bedrooms, I could stay out of everyone's way—roommate and guests alike. But that would just be too good to be true.

To: W. W. <>

From: Star Matthews <>

Subject: Re: Room Ad

Nothing is for free. Name your price. I'm not open to other kinds of arrangement.

To: Star Matthews <>

From: W. W. <>

Subject: Re: Room Ad

Would you believe me if I say it's simply out of the goodness of my heart?

To: W. W. <>

From: Star Matthews <>

Subject: Re: Room Ad

No, because I'm not an imbecile.

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