Chapter Eighteen: Falling Stars

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A/N: Hi everyone! Happy Easter! Happy Spring! I'm really starting to pick up the scent of spring in the air and I'm so excited! It feels like a time for fresh starts—something we could all use.

However, in this week's chapter (and probably the next one), we're not quite at a fresh start just yet. We're going to have to endure a little bit of Star's transition first. We'll have to walk with her through this long, dark and cold tunnel first before we can finally step out into the light. I hope you enjoy it. I don't know that I enjoyed writing it because these were tough times for both Star and Julian but I think this was necessary if they were to realize just what exactly the stakes are here.

Happy reading!


I remembered why I sometimes hated my ability to know exactly where I was and what I was doing. It spared me no time in remembering that I was still trapped in our old trailer home and the life I couldn't get away from fast enough.

But there was something different about it this morning when I woke up on the couch and met the sight of the water-stained ceiling.

I could hear Simon's laughter.

Then I heard Julian's.

No. You're not trapped anymore, Star. Or are you?

I pulled myself up to a sitting position and noticed that I had an old blanket over me. I pushed my hair away from my face and glanced toward the tiny little kitchen where Julian was standing over the stove with his back to me, Simon standing next to him on a plastic step stool.

"Morning, sleepy head!" Josie greeted me cheerfully from the dining table. "Julian and Simon made some pancakes. Come on. They're delicious. Have some."

Julian looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. He was freshly showered, his hair still a little damp. I wondered how he felt showering inside our small bathroom that more closely resembled a cubicle in a public one. "We went and got some whipped cream and strawberries too. I know they're your favorite."

"Yes, Auntie Star!" Simon said, turning around to give me a grin that stretched from ear to ear. "And Julian's putting choco chips on mine!"

I turned to my sister who was clearly enjoying watching her son. "What's going on here?"

"I took Julian and Simon out to Golden Market earlier when I got home," Felix said as he walked out of Mom's old bedroom where he probably stayed now. "Said they wanted to make pancakes. It was either that or I let them walk there and get shanked in the process."

"Felix!" Josie chided, motioning her head toward Simon who was too busy oohing and aahing at whatever Julian was doing anyway.

I glanced at my cellphone and saw that it was just nine in the morning. The smell of the pancakes tickled my nose but I resisted. After last night's revelations, I wasn't quite ready to face Julian yet.

"I'm going to quickly shower and change," I said as I rose from the couch and picked up my overnight bag from the floor.

"I'll guard your pancakes for you, Auntie Star!" Simon promised and I flashed him a smile before I darted into the only bathroom in the house.

In under ten minutes, I showered and changed into a pair of jeans, a lacy long-sleeved top and sneakers. I braided my damp hair and let it hang over my shoulder. Despite having more sleep than everyone else in the house with the exception of Simon, there were shadows under my eyes and dullness to my skin.

The kitchen was pretty cramped but everyone was seated around the small dining table, loading up their plates with steaming hot pancakes. This was a sight I haven't seen in ages.

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